
Anzel's picture





Fledermaus's picture

A dusky day....

I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the Forest today; it seemed to bring out more deer than I usually see, which was cool. Fledermaus got the chance to familiarize with some deer, mainly by sitting with a few others and enjoying the surroundings. I did take a few screenshots, and ran them through PSP just to spice them up a little (you can laugh at my lame manips ;-;).

I sat with this group for a while.

Can anyone confirm who this deer (on the right) is? I believe their name on the community site is Nutmeg, but I'm not so sure that's correct (the live forest map doesn't work great for me, clicking on pictograms doesn't take me to their page). Anyway, he/she found me in the Forest today on two different sessions, and was great fun to spend time with, so I'd like to know who it is.

So basically, it was an awesome day in the Forest. :B I can't wait for Abiogenesis on the 15th!
Shiori's picture

Rose-Colored Glasses

All is wonderful for those who see through rose-colored glasses.

Dance partay!
jadine's picture


all of these are from tokay.

the first thing I noticed when I woke up is that terror fireflies ate the butterflies. ^-^.

now random gathering screenies.

fayne's picture

Guess who has a crush!

-pokes title- She won't let me say anything else. :33
Naire: -from across the room- I KEEL U DED.
Tuhka's picture

We all love Anzel

Awwh, just know, Anzelface, that many people are sad about your situation.
I admire it that you've still kept playing TEF even if you can't see or interact with others. And it's fun to follow you around :3
Blackhoof's picture

Please said the the Blue deer

Blackhoof was probably the only deer
today who didn't have a good time.

With everyone chasing Anzel and getting in his
way...He lagged like a water buffalo...
He treid to be nice...But it didn't take long for him
to feal stressed. So he ranted walked around and
moved away...The lil' buggar...

Then he finally found a peaceful place where
a doe sat....He fell asleep....

lots of herds= Blackhoof= Mad
fayne's picture

Liekaface and Butch!

Some screenshots I took at the Playground today.
jadine's picture

I'll catch you Mini Sakura!

Just more fun!
jadine's picture

fun times

the mini deer. dum dum duuuuummmmmmmmha.

A close up of a deer i don't know.

mushroom council.

if you see yourself or a deer you know sprekin up!
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