
Kanaf's picture

Sarie Bearie's Request

So here's the one for Sarie Bearie. I really like how the background came out, especially the grass!

I really hope you like it, Sarie Smiling
Syltar's picture

Anime Central Endless Forest and Great Forest Spirit Costume

*Cross-Posted from my Blog*

And a link to a few BIG pictures:

Yo. Anybody remember my post in the original forums? Well, the quadrupedal design didn't work out so I had to modify the costume into a bipedal form. I'm very happy with it...even through my hair wasn't tied back in this picture.
So yeah. It's done...but I might do a v2 later in life. Laughing out loud

Peace and Love,
Anzel's picture


Hehe, just a little gift for a friend ^^;

The reason that it's not more detailed on the chest and because my dad claimed the computer after I finished the back, so I had to guess. Oh well Sticking out tongue I kinda like it.
Echee's picture

Timber's painting

This was Timber's first set ever! Laughing out loud And I lreally love this. It took me an hour and a half. And I drew this on my computer with the built in laptop mouse. :shock: Please Comment!
Echee's picture


Here's Timber, in a realistic form. I really like this one. I think he looks more elk like, which I like lots. Smiling I hope you like it to! Laughing out loud
Kanaf's picture

Santur's Request

So, here's Santur! In his current form, apparently. I had some sun doing this. I learned a new way to make feathers Smiling

Normally I do cell shading, but I felt like I needed to change coarse. How does it look?

Hope you like it Santur <33
Kanaf's picture


I have nothing to do as of now, and since my current obsession is TEF, I'm willing to do some requests. Anyone interested?

Just give me a pic of your deer and your pictogram in the comments and I'll get to it Smiling I'm gonna do them in RANDOM ORDER! MUAHAHAHA!!! I know...

Requests waiting...
1. Police
2. Ocelo
3. Isco
4. Feathercrest

Requests done...
1. Santur
2. SarieBearie
3. Fenqua

Only six at a time please Eye I'll put your picture in separate posts, so watch our for them.
LighttheSky's picture


Because I realized I really can post artwork here. *hehe* < ^.^ > Done last night for Quamar.
Tuhka's picture


I decided to post this here too because i think it turned out pretty good. Eye
The Wormwood's picture

Grim - Look at how Majestic I am!

Grim, on his first day as a stag. Now he just needs to settle into a set so I can do a new picture of him.
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