T^T Help...

Paralda's picture
I am writing from a cyber... i can't connect me inside the play. not even my username asks me... just appears that the game tries to be connected and tells me ''error'' or ''not connect''
what I can do ? ; __;

8D greetings from Chile
Eirien's picture

Keep clicking Connect. I get

Keep clicking Connect. I get that a lot. I have to spam click it till it starts up, every time.

That or maybe the cyber cafe won't run games very well?


I am a fantasy Illustrator, aspiring polyglot, and a storyteller.

http://Eirien-R.deviantart.com - My DA is usually focused on WoW, custom D&D campaigns, and Planescape.
Paralda's picture

Perhaps be that... -kicks

Perhaps be that... -kicks the cyber-

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