On the subject of my cage floor scratchings...

The Hunter's picture
...you may notice some irregularities.
For one, the markings will be changed and possibly some odd things added due to how I view the deer. Seeing as I only scratch deer that I remember, then they will only be deer that are a character that have affected me, in one way or another.
The reason shall not be revealed.
The symbolic irregularities will not be explained. (Don't expect them to be the obvious.)

Another thing will be that they will have is a bleeding cut on the neck, which is litterally how I see. How I see whilst I am Hunter is blurred and hallucinogenic anyway, but blood is in sharp relief. The sight and scent of the bleeding cut hallucination is a catylist to attack, and focuses me on the jugular vessel on the neck, making for the best kill. This is something I only just recently worked out; before, I thought there must've been some war leaving everyone bleeding.
But I digress.
Those are the reasons for the peculiarities. If there is anything else that I failed to mention, just yell.
Tabithaaa's picture

-Resists urge to ask what

-Resists urge to ask what the reasons and irregularities are-

The Hunter's picture

Actually, your one doesn't

Actually, your one doesn't have any. It was before I had the clarity of thought to see them.

*wanders away*
*wanders away*