The Story of Ialu Part 4: The Statues

Ialu was shaking in fear as he saw his dream come to life. He slowly walked towards the statues. "Why hasn't Cheneniah ever showed me this before?" Ialu said in his mind. He got up to the point where the circle of floweres meat the ground. Ialu looked at the statues. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out the designs on them. He saw faces. But they weren't like our faces. They were different. Ialu backed away. His eyes hurt from the brightness of the statues. He looked down at the beautiful floweres. He could actually see the colors slowly changing from one flower to the next. It was like watching the grass grow. He starred at them all day. The rain had calmed down to a light shower. Ialu then noticed something moving behind the statues. It was big. He got scared and backed away, far enough to get behind the hill the staues were on. Ialu slowly and quietly crept around the hill, in the darkness to see what the thing was. He got behind, and saw a white deer, bowing to the statues. The pelt of the deer hurt his eyes and he backed away more. He watched as the deer then lay down and slept next to them. Ialu was confused, but interested in what that stag just did. Ialu then walked up and was just about to bow down to the statues, when suddenly the stag got up. Ialu bolted away, terrefied, and thinking it would of stayed asleep. The stag faded away into the misty air as Ialu ran.
Ialu got back to a flowerbed and lay down. He told the butterflies what happened, hoping the one butterfly, who had followed Ialu the day before, was listening

-End of Part 4

Too let you all who are reading this know, that if Ialu ever gets that white pelt on him, he may go blind from the brightness of it. If you ever see him in the forest, please be careful of how much light you may lead him into.
If you turn your head to the right, starting from the left, his name looks like a K and then a music note. And then there is a line sitting on top of them.
1273's picture

nice story make some more

nice story Smiling
make some more please!id love to know what will happens next!
and i think Ialu is a very beautiful name too ^^