*¤_Spill's Biography_¤*

1273's picture

Pictogram~ X
Is~A deer
Common~DOTD pelt,skull mask,monarch antlers
Rare~Secretary bird pelt,skull mask,monarch antlers
Personality~Spill is an unusual deer.She was once cursed by her own mother because of her fawn appearance.That is why she is afraid of fawns.If she spots one,she runs away as far as possible.She cant help that.Most deer think that she is mean or evil because of her look,but that is just how she is.She adores her friends and will try to stay close to them.
Friends~None.sorry if you were forgotten,please tell me.

Players Note
if your deer is still a fawn and you saw Spill,dont be
sad when she is frighten of you and runs away.Its nothing personal.She is just a character.
Kinsmate's picture

Lovly fastanating deer, I

Lovly fastanating deer, I would love to meet her sometime. And I really like her set.
'Smile, it's easier than explaning why you're sad.'
1273's picture

thanks im sure they will

Smiling thanks
im sure they will meet one day,if no fawn will be near
Narina's picture

Jfhaoö. It was you! Raunun

Jfhaoö. It was you! Shocked

Raunun played with her a long time ago, I didn't know it was you. 8D


Zerash's picture

hope to meat Spill when my

hope to meat Spill when my fawh becomes a deer! Smiling

clic the code down!

1273's picture

@Narina aha!i never seemed

aha!i never seemed to find that deer!thank you for telling me!8D
i hope so Smiling
dindra's picture

i luved the bio!

i luved the bio!