Some Brynja drawings

Because I draw her quite a bit, even if she's a bit lacking in the roleplay/interactions.

Have a headshot and a referance to her winter look.

Granted that's not a very good drawing of the eyes on her hands and I need more practice on hands.

In my mind she's got two looks, a summer look that's in her bio and this winter look, which is much more fluffy but it sheds out in the spring. Makes for a decent temporary armor(her fur's much like a rabbit in defense during winter, if she's in immediate danger she will shed and and scratches/bites will result in her just losing fur. It's not the case in spring/summer, she would get injuries because it's to short to do that). She transitions between these two depending on season mostly. In spring and summer she's less furry in general(especially on her neck, tail and legs).
Deyna's picture

I love it! The eye hands

I love it! The eye hands being raised up and down as a mask is a remarkable touch Laughing out loud

How interesting! I've never

How interesting! I've never seen a deer quite like her. And..! Do I see? Could it be?? Floppy ears?!!?!!

Very nice c: