So What?

Please note "I" does not mean me personly. It can mean anyone or the reader

Your deer beat up my deer! So what it's only a game. (if u complain i will say i was role playing)
Your deer has more followers! So what I have friends to and I dont need to be popular it's not the end of the world.
Your deer cast a spell on me! So what you can sneeze it off right
Your deers laid next to mine! So what Iv'e just sat my deer down whilst I go for a pee.
Your deer looks the same as mine! So what It's what I like and it's a free forest.
Your Deer gets fandeer! So what. I have not the diddly what a fan deer is and frankly deer I dont give a dam.
Your deer is trying to get near my friends deer! So what I'm only being polite and want to say hello
Your deers running round everywhere! So what We have a run action can't I use it now.
Your deer interfired in MY role play! So what i'm not phsyic how do I know what your doing?
Your deer follows me! So what don't you want to make new fiends.
Your deer does not play the game as i want you to! So what this an't a dictatership I play how I see fit.
Your deer wont stop mooing! So what the moo's get quieter the more you moo, and maybe I have a reason.
Your deer picked on a fawn you must suffer! So what, who said it's a fawn and not a player whos changed their deer?
Your deer gets more comments than mine! So what, People like differnet things. Chalk and cheese.
Your deer deserves nasty things said about it! So what. Thats your thoughts. I KNOW THE TRUTH and thats all that matter.
Your DEER did! So what, Your making assumptions on things you don't know. after all.............................................It's just a game.

More to follow

Ok These are some of the pathetic reasons people dont get on round here.
Why do you let it bother you?
cant you be bigger and just enjoy the forest for the wonderful work it is.
Sorry to post this but sometimes everyone really annoys me. So many people have left because of the actions of this group of random people. I cant call it a communitee as it's to disfunctioal and does not work together I will explain more later. ( Goes to bed) The sites call the endless forest.... not the endless rant.

Theres more? I agree with a

Theres more? I agree with a few, but It does boil down to human nature, and we need a little drama from time to time.