So apparently we have new neighbors.

fayne's picture
Teenagers, three boys, two girls. 17ish.

This is all I can think of.

Good day.
Grass's picture

Lock the doors, but keep a

Lock the doors, but keep a video camera near an open window just in case anything interesting happens next door.
Raping her way through drama since '07.
fayne's picture

No problem. c: I'll post the

No problem. c: I'll post the footage up if it does. although there should probably be cameras on my house instead.
Grass's picture

O U.

O U.
Raping her way through drama since '07.
Kinsmate's picture

Stalkers! -stalkstalkstlk-

Stalkers! -stalkstalkstlk-
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world