Small Rant...maybe. XD

EmmaJoycen's picture
Okay, here's the deal; no, I'm not leaving or going on about my life, I'm talking about people leaving. Many have said the drama is too much, and the roleplaying is bad for the in-game and out-game experiences. Well, I don't see any of ALL. Why? I don't Look at any updates, I don't Read any of the stories....(Well a few), and I don't even know where on earth you guys roleplay in the first place! I love this site just fine, and mainly use it to find out who some awesome deer was. I don't usually talk a lot on here, because I know how many take it personally and get upset. And now I'm probably spamming with another rant about this. I'm just saying, I don't read it, thus, I don't get involved in it, which results in me having fun with everyone when I'm in the forest, and on the site. Maybe just flipping the off switch on some things will help those of you feeling stressed over drama. Just a suggestion, because I hate to see all these people go, and now even Jen, our probably biggest project organizer, has talked about leaving. ;.; It's terrible to see this happen. When it's just time, or something that makes you leave, that's understandable, TO ME, (We're all entitled to an opinion.) but the drama could just be dropped by leaving the roleplaying alone.

Now, I'm not saying roleplaying is bad, I used to all the time, with horses, but I kinda fell off, just because I got bored. If you enjoy it, you can keep on, Of Course. But for those who don't like the drama associated with it, I'm sure you can find something to fill the gap of time spent normally roleplaying.

=) And please don't hate me! -cowers behind rock-

Well, so much for being small.
Custard's picture

Ok, let's just say I only

Ok, let's just say I only read the first line |D
And reading it, I agree ALOT OF PEOPLE ARE LEAVING D;
And all coz of these stupid little arguments being caused.

Now I see something about rolplaying... hmm... anyway xD
x Yori's Biography x
xhunter's picture

I hate you not, don't worry.

I hate you not, don't worry. Smiling
I've noticed this too. there seems to me that there is role play and all that people talk about that i really don't understand. i think it's, the roleplay, is about there different deer. i beleive in having some deer with a different story but most people take it too far or the read takes it to far. I only have two deers and they are charecters of two different storys. i make shore that they don't, the story or deer, afend people only intertanes.
but if that is what theses people call role play i geuss i'm 1/10 of a roleplayer. I try to intertane people even though my life is dumb i try to help others and intertane people and help them. . .

but enyway I see people leaving and from when i first started there was a lot of people here but now. . . well you know from see less people here when you go to the forest. I'm not a BIG drama person only what to intertane and have fun stuff like poem clubs and storys and all that. I hope no ones agenst my storys and if they are i highly recomend them to ignor them. but i'm agenst a lot of role play so i try in my storys to not make it less of role play as posible.

But I think you are correct to think the why think about it.
I think you are a good person.

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
EmmaJoycen's picture

@Custard: Hehe, yeah sorry

@Custard: Hehe, yeah sorry for long..ness...ish. XD

@xHunter: Yay! I'm not hated! ^-^ Yes, I agree with you, I'm fine with little regular drama. Roleplaying isn't exciting without it, but Some people just take it out of proportion sometimes. And thank you very much. =3
xhunter's picture

your welcome. see you in the

your welcome.
see you in the forest sometime. Smiling
(PS. I'm uselly the one spell spamming sleepers with cool pelts and antlers and all.)

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
Pegasicorn's picture

I agree. I don't see this

I agree. I don't see this drama people speak of. And I read the updates, roleplays, and such. I just don't see what the drama is. All I see is drama being caused from saying there is drama. And then they say they're leaving, which causes arguments, and leads to more drama. I think everything is just one big misunderstanding and people need to start looking at the good things more.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
EmmaJoycen's picture

@xHunter: Ok, I'll look for

@xHunter: Ok, I'll look for you. =D

@Pegasicorn: Indeed. That last sentence is extremely true. ^-^

.....I feel all happy for some reason now...Forest time! XD
Pegasicorn's picture

I feel like a broken record

I feel like a broken record from telling people that so much. XD But it's what I try to do - see the good.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.