Signs of Craziness

Zergarikiaka's picture
It takes a fair amound of craziness and randomness combined to sit on a tree branch. X3

And an equilly fair amound to not even know how you got up here.
Pegasicorn's picture

o.o And right next to my

o.o And right next to my ninja-deer's favorite sleeping spot. XD (The moss-covered "indent" on top of the Ruins.)

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
purusha's picture

you're not a deer, you're a

you're not a deer, you're a squirrel!
Noekie's picture

Fly! ^^

Fly! ^^
1273 Peggy's picture

now!i know there is a way to

now!i know there is a way to do this!!now tell me!!