She Called Him

Parasol's picture
For a while the wind was still, at least; it lacked that certain tone. That certain voice. The voice that was Ravenflight's. Something deep stirred in her. A calmer spirit. A warm breeze to combat the cold.
And one by one, she called the deer of the forest. To guide them. To help them.

"Iaurdagnire, I have heard and seen what has befallen you many times. We shared those little moments. I do remember that dandelion, those fleeting glances. I saw something special in it, Dag. I have seen what has happened. The summer brother. And my heart grows heavy. I only wish we could have had a chance to speak.

Ravenflight offers her help, for she sense a battle coming? A greater struggle, greater than the season spirits?
I will weave beside you, help you fight. Iaurdagnire. The wind will be here to help you in your final struggle."

The doe would call to other deer. But who they were was not certain.

(download fullsize HERE)

Merry Christmas, Dag
Verycrazygirl's picture

I love how you drew his face

I love how you drew his face and expression, it seems very Dag-troubled-like, and the background is as magnificent as ever!
Fantastic picture Ravey. <3

ShadowsofLight's picture



Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Iaurdagnire's picture

This was so unexpected. I

This was so unexpected. I can't believe I have my very own piece of Ravey art! Wow, his markings are spot on, and I just love the feel of this. The surroundings are calm, serene, and Dag fits that; but there is uneasiness.

"Ravenflight offers her help, for she sense a battle coming? A greater struggle, greater than the season spirits?"
^ Love.

In fact, I love everything about that little speech. It makes me happy to know that Dag and Ravenflight shared something that was literally unspoken but noticed all the same.

Pft words ♥
Parasol's picture

@ VCG: Thankyou so much you

@ VCG: Thankyou so much you <3333

@ Shadows: Thankyou~

@ Dag: Thats me, liking to be sneaky AND UNEXPECTED CB
Im glad you like it, its the least I could do. You have inspired me so much, and it has been an honour to be in some parts of dags plot (very little parts C:). Its inspired me so much~

Pft words <3
Merry Christmas.
Snowsauria's picture

Love it. :'D

Love it. :'D
Serenai's picture

I really like your writing

I really like your writing with these, too... ♥
Icon Art © Beloved