[Sequence 1] - Nightmare

Haru's picture
Cloud lay among the silent stones of the ruins in his favorite patch of flowers. The wind gently stroked the petals of the flowers and the leaves of the trees overhead. Soft sounds of birds and the distant calls of the other deer floated on the breeze. It was a normal, quiet day.
Yet, the gray buck was oblivious. His world was foggy and disjointed with lethargy. How long had it been? Two days? Three? Regardless of the passing of time, sleepless nights were catching up with him. He hardly noticed the activity around him or heard the sounds of the forest or even felt the brush of the breeze on his back.
Cloud’s eyelids finally began to droop unwillingly and he gave in to the call of sleep, even though sleep would only bring the nightmares that he had come to know…and to fear.
Cloud stood at the edge of a precipice. Everything around him was dark and he could see nothing beyond the rock he stood upon. There was no breeze, there was no sound. He was completely alone.
Cloud peered over the edge; a pebble came loose and tumbled down, down, down into the darkness until it was lost from his sight. He wondered for just a moment what lay down there in the all consuming blackness. He wondered if he should jump whether he would plummet to his death or, perhaps, he would land harmlessly. Maybe he would, like the pebble, be swallowed up by the darkness and lost forever.
“Jump and find out,” Unseen voices whispered.
Cloud tilted his head, “Jump?”
“What harm could it do?” The poisonous voices hissed, “Jump.”
The gray buck considered the whispers. He eyed the yawning pit before him. What harm
could it do?
Cloud took a step forward and jumped.
Down, down through the darkness he fell. Much too fast, much too far. He panicked and flailed his limbs helplessly as he tumbled over and over.
“Silly fool,” The voices cackled over the wind roaring in Cloud’s ears, “Only those looking for death jump!”
The earth rose up to meet him, cold and hard.

Cloud jerked awake, panting and sweating. He was still at the ruins, the forest was still as lively as it had ever been, nothing had changed. Yet, as Cloud stood there, he could still hear the cackle of the voices and feel the pain lancing through his body as he hit the earth.
The buck shook himself and, with the ghost of the nightmare still upon him, he left the ruins far behind. He wandered aimlessly, down to the old oak, passed the twin god’s statues, and finally to the playground.
Cloud climbed the largest rock effortlessly and made his way to the edge. Suddenly, he froze in his steps. A feeling of cold swept over him and his heart began to pound. This was all too familiar. Indeed, it was just like his dream. Sudden realization hit Cloud like a ton of rocks. He had dreamed of the playground. He had dreamed of his own demise.
Cloud backed away from the edge and ran.

~To be continued
Verycrazygirl's picture



ooo interesting. I'll keep

ooo interesting. I'll keep an eye on this for the future!
Haru's picture


@Tera: Thank you <333
GingerNut's picture

Ooh... I likes it

Ooh... I likes it <3
Haru's picture

Thank you, GingerNut

Thank you, GingerNut <3

Wow, this is an amazing piece

Wow, this is an amazing piece of writing, it really gives you the overall tone of the paragraph in the first sentence. Wow.
Haru's picture

Thank you very much, Ashbird

Thank you very much, Ashbird <333