I've always felt I should write a poem about the birch forest birds. They're perhaps my favorite animal in the forest -- they're much more sociable than the other little creatures (except, perhaps, the dragonfly), and so often unnoticed. This is the first, and will probably not be the last.
A Poem of Birds
She whispers the earth, bedecked in sunset colors;
She whispers stalks of wild green and gold, heavy with seed;
She whispers the wind that carries her along;
She whispers the way it slices and slides between her feathers;
She whispers the piteousness of doves and the dissimilation of birds;
She whispers birch trees turned to twigs, and deer as a bright cacaphony of ants;
She whispers an unimaginable sky, rosy pink or blue or white at the edges;
She whispers these into the ears of poets and nameless stags alike, if they welcome, empty-antlered.
((This has been another visit to
Seed's Poetry Corner))
Wonderful poetry <333 n.n I
-- Dannii <3
Thank you ^^ and thank
and thank Taliene, too; she got Seed out of "sulky unhappy" state of mind and into "poetry-writing pensive" state of mind.
Nelle Rovine
Yay? 8DD <3 -- Dannii
-- Dannii <3
A very nice poem! My deer
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Unfortunately I and Mordred
Still, this is a poem that describes the birds there prefectly.
"If you add 'annoying' and 'noisy' and-"
Shut up, Mor. This is a beautiful poem.