Seed's Poetry Corner: The Flowers Are All Dead

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The Flowers Are All Dead

The color of the poppies fades to black
under frost's bright and brittle hand.
A touch, a snap, and they go slack
and the color of the poppies fades to black.
It seems so cruel, and you try to wrack
your brain, to try and understand
why the color of the poppies must fade to black
under frost's bright and brittle hand.

((This has been an angsty visit to Seed's Poetry Corner. Go there for less angsty poems.))

D: I like iiit. <3 -- Dannii

D: I like iiit. <3

-- Dannii <3
Seed's picture

Thank you <3 I'm bad at

Thank you <3 I'm bad at writing proper angsty poems: this one has way too much dignity XD

Click My Creatures Please!
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Wanna meet at old oak?

Wanna meet at old oak?