screenie dumpage--lots of screenies!

I've been wanting to post these and didn't get a chance to get around to it! So I've accumulated a lot of screenshots in the meantime. X3;

I can't remember which ones I've already posted, so there may be some repeats. ^^;

Noticed a picto in the middle of the pond, it looked kinda odd.

I turned the nature up enough to see that there was a fawn in the water. But, now it has no picto. o-o;

Yay, danceline. X3 Celebrating Virgil's return I guess? I was playing Amary a bit OOC for this, since she was supposed to be injured and depressed at the time.

That gray deer...I should know who it is... Why can I never remember who that picto belongs to? x.x;

Oisín got randomly pelt-spammed, I thought it was kinda funny he ended up looking almost like Seed. X3 He just has the wrong mask.

And speaking of Seed. Laughing out loud
Also, Sheen got to meet Jack Skellington. :3
I don't know who the others are (one looks like Magnet but the picto is different).
That might be Flyra with the peacock pelt, but I can't tell...

this one is kinda big so I'm linking it
I was taking some close-ups with Sheen, and when I reconnected, I got this, including the blue glow that happens when the "default" deer transforms when you connect. I think it's kind of a neat shot. :3

Some craziness with Sheen, Seed, and Virgil. XD

How many deer can you find?
Too bad Seed didn't have his flowers that time. X3

Sheen encounters a Seed-fawn.
(I just realized he was seeing a lot of Seed recently)

Meeting Rumba. I think they're hopping?

Meeting Poltergeist. :3

Sheen found these strange double-deer.

Watching over Lantern-fawn, flexing those fatherly instincts. ^^
The first one looks kinda odd. |3
Sheen: *sniff* I smell burning fur...

Then he met adult "real deer" Lantern. This confused him greatly.

This glitch makes me laugh every time. XD This is the second time it actually lasted just long enough for me to get a shot of it. Although, it hasn't happened to my own deer before.

Walter vs. Anko. Sheen was pretty upset that the first time he sees Walter since he was a fawn, only to find him fighting. He hates fighting.
(I thought it was funny the way Darkweaver was just sitting there watching X3)

Deerpile! The beginning of the Epic Day of Epicness.

Next, the Epic Danceline of Epicness.

Follow the Zerg!

The line turns horizontal.

Hey! What happened to our nice line?

It breaks into some hopping for a bit.

Follow the Walter!
(lulz, can't remember why Sheen and that other deer are laughing X3 )

To the playground for some Epic Dancing of Epicness!
(Oh look, a sleeping Garth and Safear, d'aww how cute ^^)

Random semi-closeup!
I should know who that is, but I can't remember.. x.x;

More Follow the Walter.
Sheen: "Hey! Guys! Wait up! Mom, waaiiitt! Darn leg..."

Some dancing and praying.

At the pond for a rest and some refreshment, and then some more dancing. Sheen is naked because he fell in the water. X3
(Oh look a flying Lantern!)
This was basically the end of it for Sheen. The others went to the ruins to play some Simon Says, but he's still too frightened of the ruins to stick around.

Mel encounters Dark in a staring contest with Walter. Dark even had Walter's pelt.

Dark got up long enough to greet Melinoe and sneeze off the magpie pelt, then went and sat back down.
Mel: Kay...Fine, if you're not gonna do anything interesting, I'll go somewhere else.

Sensing an interesting presence, Mel went to see who it was, and found Anko (my first time seeing him, this was before Sheen witnessed that fight) attacking the statues for some reason. She found this amusing.
Mel: Humph! How silly, attacking stone.
other orca-pelted deer: Excuse me wtfrudoin?

Mini-Amary returns!

Garth gets double-nuzzled.

"Wake up, Dag!"


Part of the Great Silence Chase. How the heck does he get up that high? I thought this was the highest hill in the game.

Amary seems to be in a silly mood.

"Hey, you're sitting on my head!"

Ranza makes a nice chair, while Virgil makes a nice footstool. :3

Andras and an almost-mirror-image. I don't know who that is, or the red deer.

The following are from today:

Standing guard.

Rev is surrounded by two does and a stag.

Rev? You're laying on Dag's head. o-o;

Dag sandwiched between sleeping deer. X3

Rev is sleeping on Dag's head again, and Amary is left the only one awake.

And that is the end.
pickle96's picture

XD oblivious to the huge

XD oblivious to the huge dance party right behind them garth and Saf sleep soundly.

Tally's picture

My Arch was the

My Arch was the 'umwtfareyoudoing' orca stag at the statues. LOL

He was also in one or two of your epic herd screenies.

Oh, so that's him, I'll have

Oh, so that's him, I'll have to remember that picto.

deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín, Maera, Andras