So Sand ran about for a little while today. Hopefully avoiding trouble this time. He chased some butterflies, rolled on the flowers, explored every inch of the playground, where by the way he saw several deer lying in a row. He was so curious what was going on he forgot to introduce himself and be polite (as always happens to him when he has his mind set on something).

He hang around with them for a bit but they didn't pay attention, so Sand carried on)

"Why are these rocks standing so close? Does it mean something?" Every day of his life he askes himself and everyone else lots of questions and either gets so annoying untill he gets an answer. or forgets about those questions instantly...

"What do you guys keep down there???"

"Do eggs grow on trees???"

"Why does your face look weird????!"
Aw, what a cute lil fawn,
My stag Queze has that as his alter (he's an aztec priest), he'll have to keep an eye out for his little guest.
Let him be carefull then)
hehe well Queze loves fawns,