
Happy Valentines Day, from the most exciteable of does! There are a certain few I'd like to pick out of the crowd to wish a personal little message to. To begin;
- Rutilus! Despite your wavering tastes, you have always been by my side when I needed you the most. I probably have not been the greatest friend, but with such erratic behavior habits, I do try! This is so cheesy, but Rai has said I have to give the deer I list a few things I love about them. Well, I love the roses on your antlers. They smell nice and they look nice, and I remember the time I gave you some myself and you wore them until they wilted. I love your accent. Who wouldn't? (laughs) And last but not least, I love your attitude. Despite your hardships, you stayed here and you held strong. Happy Valentines Day.
- Gabriel! Oh, my dear hopeless brother. ;3 I do love you, I swear -- don't throw that at me! (shuffles) You crazy nut, you're my only family. I love your happiness, despite your angry nature, I know you would never hurt Pica. And I respect the fact that you're a better man than that. You're not here a lot, but when I am at my lowest low, you show up and watch over me like a sentinel. It wasn't all that long ago that you sought me out and saved my life. Thank you, Brother.
- Fledermaus. Your quiet nature is always a little strange for me, seeing how loud and crazed I can be. But none the less, you have your own persistance and you can find ways to make me happy with your soft-spoken words. You're a real friend. I love your persistance, in the most quiet and stalking ways. I love your nature in general, never loud and rude, always nice and soft. Thank you.
- Darcy. Ah, what to say. No matter what you think, I really did have to feel something for you to bear your fawn. She was gorgeous and I am ever thankful for her. Though we seem to have more spats lately, we still get along pretty well I suppose. This is awkward, but I am required to list off the things I admire of you, and they are truthful. I love your air of confidence. Though you let loose a little more around me, when worst comes to worst you know how much worrying I do and you never slip. I love your determination, when it comes to protecting what you love and believe in nothing can stop you. I could name more, obviously, but I'll stop with that I love your selflessness. Though it sounds like the other two, it's not. I think you take your burdens on yourself way too much, you also take mine and my friends and carry them, too. I don't know how you do it...

One of my least favorite days. (grumble) Do I really have to -- ow, ow, fine, stop it! (sighs)
- Pica. (huffs) You already know I shouldn't have to do this! I lo--er...I care about you and though I express it a little differently...you know! I suck at this, agh, stupid Rai. (taps foot) You're just like me and you can tolerate me because of it. I have the worst, most unbending attitude and you, little magpie hind, know it better than anyone. But somehow I wake up every morning and still find you beside me, it's a real treat. (grins) You share my love for my wolves, even though they're even worse about sharing affection than I -- gah don't bite me, Adwen! Mutt! (long pause) ... Anyways, I think...oh this is stupid, she knows, I don't have to say this! (kicked) Ack! I l...(runs hand through silver hair) I love you, Pica. There.
- Leo. You stupid little persistant fawn. Always following me! (grumbles) The hell is wrong with you, I was as big as a moose and you're nothing but a snowflake! Yet you persisted and persisted, and somehow I grew protective and fierce over you. Stupid little deer! Why do I bother. (sighs) I wish I knew where you went, annoying little snowflake.

(AHAHA Gabriel that was downright painful to read. You stubborn thing, you.)

Hewwo! Is Peppa. I wike Balen-tie day, I get candy! Well I have a lung list of big fweinds I kud add but since talk'een is hard fer the one who 'us deaf I try to narrow ut down and...yea!
- Lemon and Seff. I do my parun's togeddhur. Uh, I dun-no what to say but I mizz you bowff. You bowff were great and I wuv you guys! I hope you have happy! I mean...are happy!
- Kaoori. Oh so sweet! You 'ur alweeys thur. I hear you will has...have...baby! I hope I see the wittle things. But dun let is learn talk from me! I am growin' almust twendy-two now. Sad that I still talk like little deer! But is okay. I wuv you and baby.
-Seed! Ah I dun-no what say for you. You quiet thing, so nice and like uncle to me. Always fun and always wuv for me. Such sweet, I wuv you!
- Wutler. You sometime mean but mostly was nice to Peppa. I dun understan' the anger but is hard to explain dees thing to me. You are big and sometime I scared of your mean, but I will not fergawt how nice you has...can...be. I wuv you nice side Wulter.
- Pavo! Wuv. I save you for lass' because I need to try to say dees tings as best I can. Is not fair that I can't say dees tings I wan' an' tell you what you mean to me. I soun' like little deer, I 'em shurt and stummpy and chubby, too! I 'em still not go to the Ruin and spells and wittle silly all thing still scare the wittle deaf 'un. But I 'em who I 'em and Pavo wuvs Peppa for it so Pep loves him, too. You do so much fer me wuv, and treat me not like wittle deer but wike equal mate. You mean world to me, and I wuv you much.

(It's so hard to write for Peppa heehee.)

Aw, Rowan. -chuckle- Happy

Aw, Rowan. -chuckle- Happy Valentines Day to you too, love, and thanks for all that nice mushy stuff up there. You've been one hell of a good friend to me, y'know, even if you don't think so. Looking back, I realise there's been some times that I couldn't have survived if I didn't have you there, somewhere, anywhere. Thanks for everything, and all that. Not good with this stuff. -laugh- Uh yeah. Stay strong. ...-trails off in embarassment-

And I'm sure Leo would have something to say to Gabe :'D
Fledermaus's picture



Ah, Rowan, you give me too much credit. -smile- I will always consider you to be one of my closest friends; you have never once wronged me, and I can't help but feel cheerful in your presence. You are certainly one of the few who can bring out the better side of me. Thank you for being one of the friends I've always hoped to have. -nuzzlenuzzle-


Find me at my "toboe" account
Kaoori's picture

omg, that was the cutest

omg, that was the cutest thing ever.

Oh, Peppa, I love you too! You are always welcome to come visit me! And of course you can see the fawn when it is born!
Seed's picture

*speaking so his lips can be

*speaking so his lips can be read clearly* Happy Valentines Day, Peppa. I'm very glad my favorite niece is back around. It's a little warm comfort on cold nights. I love you, too. *nuzzles*


Find me at my "toboe" account
Scythe's picture

Aww, that was adorable, Rai.

Aww, that was adorable, Rai. ^^

Well, well, well, the big grump speaks. Oh, hush, you; you know it's true. You and I do not always see eye to eye, it is true, but perhaps it is our differences that draw us to each other. I, the curious magpie doe, and you, the wolf keeper of these parts. I will never forget the day, when I first saw you and your wolves, Gabe. There was something about you, so mysterious, and while I know better than to stroke the ego of stags, you were also quite the charmer... Wipe that smug smirk off of your face right now. You are so infuriating, you know that? But...I suppose that is one of the reasons why I stay by your side. You keep me on my feet, challenge me in ways that others have failed to... And, at the end of the day, you are always there to comfort me until morning, talk me through the stars and that sweet silver moon. I do not know what it was that drew me to you in the first place. Curiosity? Misplaced contempt, maybe? Regardless, I do not regret confessing my feelings to you that day at twilight so many years ago. I love you, Gabriel.

'ey, Pep. I have never been good with words. You of all deer probably know this best, but there are a few things that I'd like to say, today. First off, ya know, you have grown into such a beautiful doe. Call yourself short and stumpy all ya want, but I won't hear a word of it, love. That and I don't care how silly we look together. Me and my one ear and all... Heh. You saved me, Pep. When the world went dark, you were that light that they always talk about in fairy tales. That light at the end of the tunnel, that one worth waitin' for. You were worth it, too. We'll tackle the ruins one day, I promise, but even if we don't, just havin' you by my side is enough. I love ya, Pep. Always will.

Oh man, Pica's reply just

Oh man, Pica's reply just made my day. -giggles- It was such a pain to get the big brute to speak, heehee. But I'm glad he did. It was worth it. <3
And Peppa and Pavo! There really isn't a stranger couple out there. Gotta love them.
I must make these guys some art! I've been itching to draw Gabriel and Pica.
Find me at my "toboe" account
fayne's picture

SO CUTE AWAH. Peppa makes me

SO CUTE AWAH. Peppa makes me go ssdfdfdfomnom. ;_; -wants to do this now-

Kaoori's picture

this whole thing is adorable;

this whole thing is adorable; GROUP HUG Pls

Teehee. I love you guys, too.

Teehee. I love you guys, too. -group huggle-
Find me at my "toboe" account
Scythe's picture

*joins in group hug* I love

*joins in group hug*

I love these guys. I have a few sketches of them here and there, but yes, they really do deserve some art. I shall have to get on that myself. ^^
MickKreiger's picture

aww hey were so sweet...

aww hey were so sweet...
Verdalas's picture

D'awwwh! Walter is blushing


Walter is blushing and mumbling to himself about kids and how they're little whelps. I'm sure he loves Peppa deep down too. ^^ He's said he'll keep looking after her even when Lemon isn't around anymore. He feels quite obligated to do so.
Shiori's picture

Hey Row…Happy Valentines Day,

Hey Row…Happy Valentines Day, heh. I’ve been told to keep this…short and subdued -flush- We all know that’s rather difficult on my end -chuckle- But I said that for you, I would try, and I did mean it…Honesty is what you wanted, wasn’t it? Then I cannot honestly say I doubted your feelings for me or deny what we had was false. I…also can’t deny that my feelings for you ever seized or lessened …-receives warning glance from Shi- Eheh, but don’t worry! I don’t mean anything by it… I appreciate the things you said, and as much as I want to, I wont protest to these qualities you find so endearing -grin- As for you, well…it’s hard to be modest with my words when it comes to you. For the sake of sparing both of us awkwardness and NOT to be dishonest in any way I will only say this: Rowan, you are and always will be my better half. There is a brightness about you…that so many others lack, and when I’m near to you I feel…complete. And I’m sure the same could be said for others! You are an inspiration…don’t ever doubt your importance to those closest to you, Row.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful day, and I’m sorry I couldn’t spend more of it with you...

You don't mean anything by

You don't mean anything by it, hm? (smiles and flies tail madly behind her with happiness) Such words of kindness dribble out of those lips today, I better cherish, huh? (giggle) I'm only kidding. I don't know who we're fooling. We...ahaha, Rai is telling me to hush now. She says to wrap it up! Happy Valentines Day!
Find me at my "toboe" account