Royal Deer the Ultimate Slaves

Changing out the mask or the coat lets a deer make choices as to the mood or friend they are with that day. Royal deer come from the very cells their body happens to be made of so some parents deer love making session created a fawn who from the day of birth choice has been taken from. Within those realms limited choice becomes accepted in exchange for wealth of the forest. Within that herd a hierarchy established by ancient deer who knew how to create rule systems that last long after an ancient deer 's death maintains territory. As good as that all becomes for some the lack of choice and over generations not being the center of such a group has a high toll and price which often involves the taking of life of a fawn. Constraints do make creativity as royal deer know but mostly of the wicked type done with a gleeful play, friendly tug and if circumstances merit a removal, cut or entanglement to maintain the system. In the forest freely frolicking from group to group leaving some things unknown creates opportunities with few consequences. Adding a royal layer to mold deer to a purpose not of their own making enhances a type of creating that results in vast changes to relationships and a threat to royal power. Enslaved deer either submit or they elevate to a game. There can be only one in those games...