Rouga's Body Language

19munchkin97's picture
I decided to make this separate from Rouga's bio

Hopping in circle = Excited

Hopping in circle + roar = "Let's play!"

Bow = Hello

Bow + step backward = Good bye

Sad + lay down = "I have to leave the forest now"

Scratch + anger = "I don't like you!/ Leave me alone!"

Scratch + rear = Annoyance

Confusion + rear = "I REALLY don't understand"

Scratch + run away a bit + turn back + scratch again = "Follow me!"

Scratch + anger = "Do you want antlers?"

Scratch + listen = "Do you want a mask?"

Scratch + spin circle = "Do you want a pelt?"

Run up to deer + scratch = "Can I join?"

Amazement + rear = Very surprised

Scratch root of mushroom tree = "Can you give me a mask, please?"

Scratch pine tree = "Can you give me antlers, please?"

Scratch + lay down = "Can you give me a pelt, please?"

Nod + bow = "Thank you"

Shake head + bow - "No, thanks anyways"

All I can think of now, will update once in a while Laughing out loud
3's picture

This is very helpful! I'll be

This is very helpful! I'll be sure to refer to it.


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