Respect them, honor them.

Zergarikiaka's picture

Doe's picture

I just want everyone to

I just want everyone to know.
I did NOT start this prayer group as a protest against pelt/antler editing.

What I created this group for, was to protest the fighting that it was causing.
There is no need to fight over all of this. People will do what people will do, and if the Gods are angry with us, it will stop.

If the Gods dislike what we have done, then I suggest we ALL stop.
But for now, we are experimenting, we are being individuals, and we are exploring our forest in new and exciting ways.

This group was made to protest the fighting.
I hope you can all understand, and stop making fights on this new glitch discovery.
Glitches are exploited everyday, (air sitting, sit-sliding, laugh-flipping, motion-combining, permadevout, etc) and so far the Gods have not stopped us.

If we've gone too far, I'm sure they'll tell us to stop.
But for now, everyone just go with it, and have fun!

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I love your attitude Doe,

I love your attitude Doe, and you are perfectly right.

I also laughed a little when I saw the second and third pictures; you got Silvamord when he was sneezing his pelts off (the grey pelted in the first, butterfly pelted in the second). Not that it's important; I just found it amusing XD

Lovely pictures.

*strains eyes* Am I in that

*strains eyes* Am I in that picture? I was there, I know it, In fact I got some peoples over there to the prayin.

I feel so greedy, wanting to be in the pictures -shot-