Name origin: Hebrew. Variation of 'Yisrael'; contender with God.
Gender: Female.
Inclined towards: Females.
Age: Has the mind of a 17-year-old girl, fractured by her long time in the Forest.
Set: Space beluga pelt, butterfly antlers, magpie mask.
Speech color: #333399
Build: Tall, spindly.
Thoughts: "I no longer remember what it is to feel fear."
Mental: 95%
Physical: 100%
@Shaku: Thanks, it gave me so much trouble asdgfhshk ;; @__@ And I still have to find some CSS for the comments ehehehe ;; FRANKEN CSS, I TELL YOU
~ ~ ~
Ysrael noticed the uneasiness within Vodun as he backed away from her. Perhaps there was more to this than just his silly antics...
She stepped towards him, leveling her unblinking black eyes with his.
"There is more than colors, that can make someone dark," her voice was a soft murmur now as she shortened the distance between them. She could tell he did not want her this close, but she did now waver her gaze.
"What is it you are hiding... behind these flames in your eyes?"
@Makime: It is too bad Makime had to go earlier! ;__; Ysrael and Vodun got up to some pretty crazy shenanigans hahahaaha ;;;
She was very happy to see him when she, did, though ♥
@BoneFace: Thank you. ♥
@Kaitlyn: The music is called 'Atlantis Lost' and it is from the Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future game sountrack. I recommend checking out the rest of the sountrack if you enjoyed this, all of the songs are beautiful. ♥
It's killing me that I can't spend more time in the forest with you guys anymore ;n; *weeps softly*
She followed...
This alone made him feel like... like... what? Like fleeing? He wanted to run? He, who burned in the darkness beneath the great oak and laughed as Gray shivered, paralyzed with fear? He, who ran in the rain? Who frolicked beneath thunder clouds, while the lightning danced around him? He was... afraid?
He laughed, if only at the absurdity of it. It was a nervous laugh, devoid of humor.
"Yes, more than color... More than color," he murmured, nodding. It was far more than her black pelt. Far more than her dark eyes. Those dark pools that pulled him under.. And yet, she was burning. He shivered again, unable to pull away as she closed the distance. He felt rooted to the spot.
His heart twisted, and he let out a soft pained noise.
Buu, I haven't been inforest much either otl;; Besides to spy in Mr. Big Zombie Deer, that is.
I can't write any good replies lately either ;_____; /uber fail
~ ~ ~
Vodun's murmur of pain snapped Ysrael out of her fixedness upon the emotions in his face.
"You need not hide from me, friend."
She lowered her eyes, releasing him from her stare.
Haha~ Well, I see you now! Some nameless kept coming up and pelt-spamming you and Ravus. Phy thought about protecting his girls, but decided he's had too many little fights recently XD;;
Lol, I haven't been able to write good replies lately, either XD;; /fails more
I'd love to get something started with Ysreal and Phy~ Do you have msn? >u> I made an account just for my deer crap, haha. derpydeer at hotmail dot com
It still surprised him that Gray would push so hard for this one... Was his grip slipping?
Or perhaps, it was something about her.
He shook his head, feeling his impending loss. Gray was pressing hard against his subconscious. The words slipped out without his approval.
"Ysrael... I'm not hiding... I..."
Vodun reared, attempting to sever the connection. He would've let out a deep roar, but was no longer in control of his own voice. No, he couldn't show Gray that he could lose. His very life depended on Gray's calm existence.
Without a second thought, he turned tail and ran, fleeing deep into the forest. He could hide, for now. Deal with her later, when he was stronger.
LOL it was so funny watching you guys pelt spam her when I woke up this morning. XD And dude nameless can't cast magic what is this madnesss o__o
A-also MSN kinda scares me because it is so... uh, instant? Lol fear of instant messengers boo ;; It's just I take forever to type replies and re-read them and revise them and spell check them and asdjflh;jfs;; So rping over MSN makes me major nervous ;__;
~ ~ ~
Ysrael started for a moment when Vodun reared up at her, sensing the panic in his emotions. It pained her to see her friend this way, but she did not attempt to follow as he turned and fled.
With shaking limbs she watched his retreat into the trees. If this was his decision... she would respect that. But not without a backwards mournful glance as she, too, turned from the direction he had gone.
She would wait for him, and when he returned, he would be welcomed back with open heart and open mind.
Whattt yes they can XD Magic just doesn't stick on them very well~
Lol, me too, honestly XD;; I've only recently gotten back into them, and even then, I don't talk much. I just feel it might be good for, oh, maybe telling someone their pelt isn't the one they think it is? XD Ravus and Phylux were trying to tell Ysrael that she had on a really, really creepy pelt, haha~ It made her face look scary. I don't think you could tell, though (the same thing happened earlier to Phylux, where Ravus saw him wearing a golden pelt, but he thought he was wearing his usual secretary bird pelt).
Really? @_@ I remember trying to eat some mushrooms as a nameless once and it wouldn't let me, hmm /is probably just crazy
And PSHHHH maybe she just wanted that pelt to creep you guys out @w@ (if it was the fan pelt then I could see it; I actually kinda like the face on that pelt OTL; especially with peacock antlers to go with it but I'm just weird like that)
Ghssfhk I gotta go look through my files to se if I even still have it... This computer has died so many times recently, poor thing. ;-;
I honestly don't remember playing as a nameless, so I wouldn't know XD;; Maybe I just assumed it was nameless because the deer was naked? .........Maybe it was just a naked deer, LOL~
LOLOL~ Seriously? Ohman, I was SO sure the game was glitching! XD *dying* That face like... stares into your SOUL XD It's so frightening! I'd like to see it with the peacock antlers, though. I think peacock antlers make a lot of things look good, since the deers' faces don't look so naked with them.
Awu, poor computer ;u; But yeah, you totally need to join us on msn. Fun times all around! And you can block us when you get tired of us, haha.
(Also, still loling about Ysrael scooting away when Phy tried to sit next to her XD He isn't a perv all the time, thanks very much! Just with Mattie!)
@Shaku: ohh nooo I bet it desperately wanted clothes too LOL ;;
But it's so preeetttyyy and... heart shaped idk. Idk I saw a deer with that set as as a fawn and they were super nice so now it's stuck in my memory as beautiful haha~
/clicks buttons
AGH MSN why do you hateee meee ;;
Well what would YOU do if some huge fluffy rofling-in-the-air hippogriff thing was getting all cozy with you, eh? XDDD lol wait I'd prolly cuddle it back BUT STILL Idk where I was going with this ;;
@Ravus: pfffft I found it. I don't remember how to use it though lol. I added the address Shaku gave me, though. But I also have this random guy named Vincent on there somehow...? I... have no idea LOL
Of course she would hahaha~ And aghh tell me about it. ;__; I've never lagged that bad in the forest before, it was weird. Poor servers, what with all those people on them~
@Shaku: Phy reminds me of a huge fluffy marshmallow pillow. And I'll feed him nice bird treats. And get him a jumbo-size wooden perch... Then he can annoy guests and ask for crackers. /LOL bird jokesss
He's just really sickly and the cold makes him acchheee haha;;
Unfortunately he's the character that I have the least info/story/anything thought up for him. I've been meaning to make new bios for my dudes for awhile now but I'm reaaallyy lazy @_____@
@Serenai: Hello ♥
And I'm doing fine. Christmas break is a wonderful thing, for certain. My mom actually bought a noble fir this year, haha. /rambling, sort of
@Brit: Throwing away my 'mysterious allure' is harder than I'd thought, haha.
But, in all seriousness, I'm really unsure how to bridge the gap between my 'real' life and my internet self. I've never tried before, but this is the kind of place that makes me want to. I've never made people I consider to be actual friends on the internet, either. (yes you're one of them ♥ )
And I'm frustrated that I couldn't find any pictures that were less... stupid looking than that one. Any pictures I have on this computer are at least a year old and they're all 'oh I only have one eye and I'm holding my camera up above my head to look edgy' <__>... among other things that would take forever to explain, anyways.
I was laughing so hard that whole time. XD You guys made my day.
I understand I think. It's like you're talking directly from your psyche on here; the internet is such a different thing that I don't think everyone has completely adjusted to or knows how to handle, really.
And hey, you pulled it off. xD The fact that you don't want to says something though.
LOL. I even didn't know Riet was in forest until we ran right into him at the ruins and it was perfect. Made me laugh, too.
...You really belonged there with us, by the way. I hope you'll sign on and chat with us on MSN a bit more; it won't make you any less dark and mysterious and edgy, I promise.
@Brit: :}
We have a lot of different personalities inside us. Sometimes it's hard to try and bring them together.
Haha, and I'll indeed try to sign in more. I've still been preoccupied with christmas things, though, but once I buy all the gifts I need I should have free time~
@Shaku/Serenai: gah you guuysssss <_____> of all the ridiculous photos to be complimented on;;;
;__; but still, thank you ♥ i just wish the photo seemed more real
Yay! : D /happy flailing
*___* -tracks-
I am so happy to see
/noms tracks ♥
PS she IS totally in forest
lol oops; /fixes She thinks
She thinks that Ravus is a very excellent face-pillow : D
Thanks. xD And Ysrael is a
TRACK. This is the most
;~; We miss herrrrrr
Especially Makime... he hasn't seen her in awhile.
But this is a must-track♥
It's lovely!
Oh-so beautiful.
Wow. This makes me sleepy. (:
@Shaku: Thanks, it gave me so
~ ~ ~
Ysrael noticed the uneasiness within Vodun as he backed away from her. Perhaps there was more to this than just his silly antics...
She stepped towards him, leveling her unblinking black eyes with his.
"There is more than colors, that can make someone dark," her voice was a soft murmur now as she shortened the distance between them. She could tell he did not want her this close, but she did now waver her gaze.
"What is it you are hiding... behind these flames in your eyes?"
@Makime: It is too bad Makime had to go earlier! ;__; Ysrael and Vodun got up to some pretty crazy shenanigans hahahaaha ;;;
She was very happy to see him when she, did, though ♥
@BoneFace: Thank you. ♥
@Kaitlyn: The music is called 'Atlantis Lost' and it is from the Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future game sountrack. I recommend checking out the rest of the sountrack if you enjoyed this, all of the songs are beautiful. ♥
It's killing me that I can't
She followed...
This alone made him feel like... like... what? Like fleeing? He wanted to run? He, who burned in the darkness beneath the great oak and laughed as Gray shivered, paralyzed with fear? He, who ran in the rain? Who frolicked beneath thunder clouds, while the lightning danced around him? He was... afraid?
He laughed, if only at the absurdity of it. It was a nervous laugh, devoid of humor.
"Yes, more than color... More than color," he murmured, nodding. It was far more than her black pelt. Far more than her dark eyes. Those dark pools that pulled him under.. And yet, she was burning. He shivered again, unable to pull away as she closed the distance. He felt rooted to the spot.
His heart twisted, and he let out a soft pained noise.
"Ysrael... I..."
Buu, I haven't been inforest
I can't write any good replies lately either ;_____; /uber fail
~ ~ ~
Vodun's murmur of pain snapped Ysrael out of her fixedness upon the emotions in his face.
"You need not hide from me, friend."
She lowered her eyes, releasing him from her stare.
Haha~ Well, I see you now!
Lol, I haven't been able to write good replies lately, either XD;; /fails more
I'd love to get something started with Ysreal and Phy~ Do you have msn? >u> I made an account just for my deer crap, haha. derpydeer at hotmail dot com
It still surprised him that Gray would push so hard for this one... Was his grip slipping?
Or perhaps, it was something about her.
He shook his head, feeling his impending loss. Gray was pressing hard against his subconscious. The words slipped out without his approval.
"Ysrael... I'm not hiding... I..."
Vodun reared, attempting to sever the connection. He would've let out a deep roar, but was no longer in control of his own voice. No, he couldn't show Gray that he could lose. His very life depended on Gray's calm existence.
Without a second thought, he turned tail and ran, fleeing deep into the forest. He could hide, for now. Deal with her later, when he was stronger.
Someday, he would get stronger.
LOL it was so funny watching
A-also MSN kinda scares me because it is so... uh, instant? Lol fear of instant messengers boo ;; It's just I take forever to type replies and re-read them and revise them and spell check them and asdjflh;jfs;; So rping over MSN makes me major nervous ;__;
~ ~ ~
Ysrael started for a moment when Vodun reared up at her, sensing the panic in his emotions. It pained her to see her friend this way, but she did not attempt to follow as he turned and fled.
With shaking limbs she watched his retreat into the trees. If this was his decision... she would respect that. But not without a backwards mournful glance as she, too, turned from the direction he had gone.
She would wait for him, and when he returned, he would be welcomed back with open heart and open mind.
Whattt yes they can XD Magic
Lol, me too, honestly XD;; I've only recently gotten back into them, and even then, I don't talk much. I just feel it might be good for, oh, maybe telling someone their pelt isn't the one they think it is? XD Ravus and Phylux were trying to tell Ysrael that she had on a really, really creepy pelt, haha~ It made her face look scary. I don't think you could tell, though (the same thing happened earlier to Phylux, where Ravus saw him wearing a golden pelt, but he thought he was wearing his usual secretary bird pelt).
So yeah, for stuff like that XD
Also, ARGH I love Ysrael XD She's so elegant~
Really? @_@ I remember trying
And PSHHHH maybe she just wanted that pelt to creep you guys out @w@ (if it was the fan pelt then I could see it; I actually kinda like the face on that pelt OTL; especially with peacock antlers to go with it but I'm just weird like that)
Ghssfhk I gotta go look through my files to se if I even still have it... This computer has died so many times recently, poor thing. ;-;
~baw thanks ;w;
I honestly don't remember
LOLOL~ Seriously? Ohman, I was SO sure the game was glitching! XD *dying* That face like... stares into your SOUL XD It's so frightening! I'd like to see it with the peacock antlers, though. I think peacock antlers make a lot of things look good, since the deers' faces don't look so naked with them.
Awu, poor computer ;u; But yeah, you totally need to join us on msn. Fun times all around! And you can block us when you get tired of us, haha.
(Also, still loling about Ysrael scooting away when Phy tried to sit next to her XD He isn't a perv all the time, thanks very much! Just with Mattie!)
*Joins in the 'Get Ysrael on
... That's all. Well, and the BirdFace thing. xD It's how we ALL think of him, but Ysrael would be the one to say it. xD
And just sorry about Ravus's general weirdness lately. I'm gonna blame the lag? :B
@Shaku: ohh nooo I bet it
But it's so preeetttyyy and... heart shaped idk. Idk I saw a deer with that set as as a fawn and they were super nice so now it's stuck in my memory as beautiful haha~
/clicks buttons
AGH MSN why do you hateee meee ;;
Well what would YOU do if some huge fluffy rofling-in-the-air hippogriff thing was getting all cozy with you, eh? XDDD lol wait I'd prolly cuddle it back BUT STILL Idk where I was going with this ;;
@Ravus: pfffft I found it. I don't remember how to use it though lol. I added the address Shaku gave me, though. But I also have this random guy named Vincent on there somehow...? I... have no idea LOL
Of course she would hahaha~ And aghh tell me about it. ;__; I've never lagged that bad in the forest before, it was weird. Poor servers, what with all those people on them~
LMFAO. Omfg, I feel so guilty
Oh yeah, that's definitely happened with me XD I feel like Gustiro's set is like... the PERFECT set, simply because I respect him so much XD;;
"Well what would YOU do if some huge fluffy rofling-in-the-air hippogriff thing was getting all cozy with you, eh?"
..............Touche >> I think Phylux often doesn't realize how huge he is, lolll. He's a total cuddlewhore XD
Nnn. I hadn't seen this. The
I hadn't seen this.
The background and designs are...
@Shaku: Phy reminds me of a
@Serenai: Thank you ♥
Google is good to me~
LOLOLOL. Oh my XD I think...
So he'd totally just be picking your guests' corpses, thx =3=
Hmm. That is fine by me also.
Google is good
Orin... physical: 29%? ;n;
He's just really sickly and
Unfortunately he's the character that I have the least info/story/anything thought up for him. I've been meaning to make new bios for my dudes for awhile now but I'm reaaallyy lazy @_____@
I hope you get some time! I
I've been wondering. Thanks
I hope I get... un-busy...
Hello Alisa. ♥ I hope
I hope you're doing alright.
I have wondered. ♥
Oh wow, never actually
You're gorgeous, by the way. Why are you mad at yourself?
"Perhaps I spoke too soon. There is more amusement here than I had thought."
@Serenai: Hello ♥ And
And I'm doing fine. Christmas break is a wonderful thing, for certain. My mom actually bought a noble fir this year, haha. /rambling, sort of
@Brit: Throwing away my 'mysterious allure' is harder than I'd thought, haha.
But, in all seriousness, I'm really unsure how to bridge the gap between my 'real' life and my internet self. I've never tried before, but this is the kind of place that makes me want to. I've never made people I consider to be actual friends on the internet, either. (yes you're one of them ♥ )
And I'm frustrated that I couldn't find any pictures that were less... stupid looking than that one. Any pictures I have on this computer are at least a year old and they're all 'oh I only have one eye and I'm holding my camera up above my head to look edgy' <__>... among other things that would take forever to explain, anyways.
I was laughing so hard that whole time. XD You guys made my day.
Omgg you are so beautiful.
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
I'm reeeallly nott And yu
And yu is supa cute yourself @w@ /sparkles
I understand I think. It's
And hey, you pulled it off. xD The fact that you don't want to says something though.
LOL. I even didn't know Riet was in forest until we ran right into him at the ruins and it was perfect. Made me laugh, too.
...You really belonged there with us, by the way. I hope you'll sign on and chat with us on MSN a bit more; it won't make you any less dark and mysterious
and edgy, I promise.Omgggg, so purddyyyy~~ I'm
I'm really excited to see that up there XD
I'm glad. I've never had an
You're adorable, by the way.
@Brit: :} We have a lot of
We have a lot of different personalities inside us. Sometimes it's hard to try and bring them together.
Haha, and I'll indeed try to sign in more. I've still been preoccupied with christmas things, though, but once I buy all the gifts I need I should have free time~
@Shaku/Serenai: gah you guuysssss <_____> of all the ridiculous photos to be complimented on;;;
but still, thank you ♥ i just wish the photo seemed more real
(I see why you changed it, though. >>)
(and, yes. XD)
So uh, this is a Interaction
Umm, I was wondering... if you'd like to interact/roleplay sometime
Preferably after December!
If so that's great 8D
And yes of course I'd love a roleplay. @w@
Hey Yssie
If our roleplay is still gonna showdown, I was wondering if I could use my new character Sibyl?
If you want to meet her inforest first that's ok OvO
YES we should still do our
Lol YAY! Well okay, you
Well okay, you choose the setting and stuff c:
EDIT// Just realized I don't have your windows live LOL XD
Akk I am so terrible at
and LOL OH
I assumed I had you on there too because we've chatted before. XD whatsyer email then?