Recognition and Restlessness

Zergarikiaka's picture
Perhaps it is too much to force myself to continue these writings. So much time has begun to lapse between each entry... However, they do help maintain the memory. Such has been growing fuzzy lately. If anything, it might be necessary to write more now, than before. I'll have to think about this.

Now, when did I write last? There is some catching up to do, text wise.

I have encountered Nightmare recently. He chose to join me by Laghodessa's gravesite until Walter came around and had me follow him away. He was quick to lead the way to where Burrow, Ephra, and a select few others had gathered. We all sat together and conversed for a time. It was good to see Burrow again, after so much time. The same can be said about Walter and Ephra. Such are those who deserve respect. After a short time, Walter departed from the group, presumably to fetch another deer. Nightmare located the group, and I left to meet with him.

We had a friendly spar, both to relieve stress on one end and stretch the stiff and tired body of another. Hnn... Perhaps the spar could have lasted longer, but I chose not to over-do it with this deer. After all, we had an audience, and it would have been unwise to cause much harm.

After the spar had ended and the group broke up, I retired to the ruins. It was not long before that hunger rose again once there, and after leaving poppies at Lagho's gravesite I left the sacred grounds to hunt.

Much unlike the previous hunt, this one bore success. Once again I found a stag sleeping alone in the forest. Again, it was one with mighty horns... the kind I would rather have broken and left in shambles. With care, I stepped around the sleeping stag, looking around for potential observers. The air carried no scents of nearby deer or fawns, and the stag showed no sign of waking. With the opportunity now opened, I lowered my head and sunk my teeth into his throat. One quick yank would be all it took to snatch life from the sleeper.

How long has it been since I tasted fresh blood? Indeed it has been far too long. I remained there to consume the fresh body as long as one could without being seen. Perhaps it is benefitial to have such a large bite, or it would have taken too long to consume enough venison and leave before being sighted. As I left the site, I vaguely noticed a larger form among the thick of the trees. Blue flame seemed to emit out of the figure's right eye.

Orion, Aves, Daiki... Why plant the idea of that abomination's return into this tired mind?
Certainly it had to have been a hallucination.


My nerves grew on edge after that sighting. After that, I walked to the lake and took a drink before returning to the ruins once more.

There I slept restlessly. Nightmarish memories flooded my mind under the dark grasp of the night. Visions of raining blood, and voices screaming for help that will never come.
I awoke the next day, more exhausted than I had been the previous night. The spirits seemed restless again, and flickered in and out of view as if choosing a place to hide in future days... or perhaps as if reliving how they fell.

Laghodessa appeared concerned. Had I been obvious about my nightmares? I assured her everything was alright and cleared off the withered old poppies before replacing them with new ones. I could smell Quad nearby...
Hnn... In truth, who can't smell him after he had those... beans.

What a time to have an extra set of nostrils.

Hnn... Perhaps that scent was too distracting to notice others nearby. As I made my way to the Grand Talux to aid in his further training, I was cut short by a black and white doe getting in the way. She began barking and showing immediate hostility. Hnn... Prejudice little...
I was confused by this, and by her taunting. Next thing I knew, the blue doe was between us.

Already agitated, I lowered my head, but not to attack. Her own head lowered, ready to attack to protect the larger doe behind her. Evidentially, it was her daughter.
Hnn... Another child of Wesker. How much more must be tolerated?

Of course, my nemesis was also near. I snarled and pushed past them to continue on my way. It was all I could do to maintain peace. Wesker was already on his way over as well, and if we came too close it would be a bloodbath for certain.
What a cheat it is, letting the women act first... knowing I would not touch them.
Coward. How I wanted to turn and fight then and there...
But I am older than ever, and it would not be as even a match as in the past.

Trying to ignore them, I woke Quad and acted as if unfazed. He managed to get a few laughs out of me with a few antics before we left for the birch forest to work.

So he joined with their family. I do admit I have mixed feelings here, but I will not turn against him for it.

Quad appears to be doing well with his training. He has demonstrated more maneuvers he's picked up from other deer, and I gave him more advice and showed him a few more moves of my own. This included how to stomp on antlers to pull an opponent's head down, jab with shortened horns, and several other actions.

My rage managed to burn out by this point, though I remained in the birch after letting Quad go.

A few days passed after this before anything else worth mentioning occurred, in the form of another familiar face appearing.

I remember seeing Baal for but a few minutes. The circumstance however is unclear. I also remember Aves floating around that day.
Why is it my memory blanks on days that deer appears?


I do also remember spending some time with Archelius and Laghodessa... I am glad to see them together for once. It is such a rare event for the three of us to be together at once.

I know there is more to record... but no longer is it within the memory.