Rain, rain, rain...

Stardancer771's picture
It's raining, its pouring... it's very, very boring.
Don't get me wrong, I love rain, but after soooooooo much of it, you start craving a little sunshine, or at least partly cloudy weather. So, I've been sitting inside for days, watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and eating low fat junkfood (hey, it may not taste great when you're too lazy to exercise its better than nothing). My roommate is actually being productive with her time and making stuff out of paper to decorate our room. I, on the other hand, have been too lazy to try and fix my scanner so I can upload pictures.
I just looked up and noticed theres a wreathe from Christmas still hanging on the wall. Blah.
Been listening to a bunch of bands from the last post I put up (love Sirenia).
I'm trying to think of something actually worth reading to say...
Oh, for future reference, my roommate looks like Anora from Firefly (even if she doesn't think so).
So, signing off for now, and remember, if the world didn't suck we'd fall off of it (just kidding! I am not that much of a pessimist... I'm a cynical optimist!)