Topaz100's picture
They are lined up on the starting line, 1, 2, 3!
Three deers sper of the line including me
We run around dodging the maze of rocks
Back at the starting lines, deers keep glancing at their clocks
We dash through the trees creating white smoke
At the end awaiting a cold glass of coke
My tongue starts to lag and i loose my focus
And the deer next to me whispers hocus pocus
And in a puff of magic i turn into a frog
And jump onto the nearest log
The deer on the other side begins to sneer
But when he does it becomes more clear
I can now swim taking a detore through the pond
I am so glad he waved his magic wand
I won the race and drank my prize
And let me tell you it was so nizzzzze!!!
LOL, thought it would be funny hope it is! Txx
xhunter's picture

*LOL* inspirer writing and

*LOL* Smiling

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter Smiling
is staring at you. *star*
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter Smiling
Density's picture

Glad you're back Topaz! I

Glad you're back Topaz! I simply adore reading your poems. They're so unique!