"I'll Guide You..."
February 3, 2011 - 11:38pm — Graveyard

"To wherever your Heart Desires..."
This was quite a bit of fun I must admit, naturally I can't really draw stuff in a cute or simple manner. Took a style very Similar to Amadalia's, so a Antlered Wolf is what he is :3
For Quad's Art Request Area :3
What a great design!
Thank you, and I'll have something written for you soon
I love that pose Anatomy is
Anatomy is full of rage, perfect for that wolfie aspect it needs
Its like a superpokemon mightyena with horns *-*
Just follow me!
Mm.. I love his gums and
@ Quad: Waaaaaaaaah I'm glad
@ Katara: LOL! He does sorta look like a Mightyena to an extent doesn't he? XD Funny enough I wasn't even looking at Pokemon when drawing LOL! Maybe it's the markings that give him that Mightyena feel, and the fluffy neck |D
@ Fingerprint: *huggles and loves all over* <33333333 I'm a kicker for gums and teeth
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"