"Girl, you'll be a woman soon." [Salaawa and Sianna]

OokamiAzura's picture

Nothing to do with the art, but it's what I was listening to when drawing.

Just a very quick, 5 minute sketch of Salaawa and Sianna sleeping. I couldn't help it after seeing this and just melting.

I must apologize for the suddenly lack of effort in my art...I could have done so much better. I need to work on a better version of this, but I just don't have the complete muse for it. I'm so sorry ;;

I honestly feel like I've let everyone down now, rofl ;;
shamiya's picture

I like it. Something Sianna

I like it. Something Sianna would do, sleep on another deer. <3
OokamiAzura's picture

I'm glad you like it ~

I'm glad you like it ~ &hearts