"Dear Guardian..." Fanart :o

Graveyard's picture
Oh dear... ahem... looks like Karooi's got herself a guardian standing beside her <_<;;;; Don't piss him off... dem teeth look nasty XD

I bet she's just thinking D< Get down here so I can snuggle in your neck floof damn it!
ocean's picture

Awwwr. Kaoori looks

Awwwr. Kaoori looks adorable.
And no, I wouldn't mess with that. xD
Doro's picture

*slowly backs away*

*slowly backs away*
Kaoori's picture

omg this is awesome! She

omg this is awesome!
She looks so tiny next to him- just as she should be. Smiling His design is great, and those flaws are formidable!

Thank you so much for this. It put a smile on my face.. Smiling
Indeed, that is some neck floof. xD