Predator vs. Prey (Honeyfur vs. Rock Hound)

Honeyfur's picture
Warning: contains some gore

Running. That was all the doe could do at this point. Her heart beat fast, body working double time. The air filled her fiery lungs with short gasps. The pursuer, it seemed, wasn’t struggling at all. In fact, it seemed to be having the time of its…life? She didn’t know if this demonic looking creature was still alive, or if it had simply come back from the dead, to fill the forest with its horrific presence. But at the time being, she didn’t care. Prey didn’t think about these things when its life was on the line, depending on all its survival instincts. It was all or nothing.

Honeyfur kept running, trying to stay ahead of those snapping jaws and eerie, glowing green eyes. It was a struggle, that’s for sure. Without any muscle on its bones, or respiratory system, it didn’t slow up. She had to lose it somehow. Somehow, she just had to escape it. The chase couldn’t go on forever, right? No, at some point, one of them would have to grow weary, and it was obvious who it would be. However, Honeyfur didn’t want to think about that. If she did, she’d lose all confidence, and then it’d be over in a heartbeat.

Soon, the Ruins came into view, but the green doe hardly noticed. She kept looking back to see if the creature was still right on her tail. Of course, every time, it was. This constant looking over her shoulder caused her to almost run into one of the walls of the Ruins. With a gasp of surprise, she managed to skid to a stop right before she reached it. But now a new horror washed over her...

She was trapped.

Spinning around, she noticed the green eyed skeletal being coming straight at her. Honeyfur didn’t have any time to react, for it had already latched its jaws onto her left side. The doe made another gasp of surprise as the sharp canine teeth pierced their way into the flesh. ”G-GET OFF OF ME!” the doe shrieked, not caring whether or not the beast could understand her. She tried bucking and kicking, but her attempts were in vain. Coming up with the last idea she had, she picked up her left hind leg, and aimed it at the hound. Mustering up her strength, she gave a mighty kick at the beast.


It sent the hound flying, but it had taken a chunk of flesh with it. The doe gasped when her flesh was torn away, and crouched down, cringing away from the sudden pain. The shear agony of it made her eyes water, making her all the more vulnerable, because now her vision was blurred. She vigorously blinked and shook her head to clear her vision, and noticed the demonic wolf still lying on the ground. Did she manage to “kill” it somehow?

With quivering legs, she managed to get somewhat upright again, and cautiously took a closer look. She stopped dead when she noticed a black tar like substance seeping over the cracked ribs, forming new bone in the gap. ”…Impossible…”

Suddenly, the wolf lunged to its feet again, its rib all healed up. Honeyfur screamed as it jumped at her. The sudden attack made her rear up, the claws managing to only graze her belly, but it still drew blood. The hound crashed against the stone wall, adding a few cracks to some of its bones. The doe wasted no time. With all the will power she had left, she forced her legs to carry her away from there. But the beast, its bones healed once again, was on her heels. Terror gripped her heart as she thought of never seeing her friends again, and what they might think when they discover her disappearance. And Phobos….Tears started to run down her face when her legs started to fail her, as her life source flowed out of her body from the cuts and deep gash.

Her attention was directed at the hound again, as it came up alongside her, green eyes staring into green eyes. The moment of transfixion, the moment of the predator sizing up its prey for the attack, lasted only a moment, until the wolf lunged and rammed itself into her bad side, making the gash worse. With a shriek, Honeyfur was thrown to the side, her right antler slamming up against a tree.


The antler swung down in front of her face, hanging on by a sliver of bone. She gasped as she saw her broken and useless antler dangling in front of her, weighing her head down. The hound was about to make another attack, but Honeyfur couldn’t do anything like this. Making a bold move, she gritted her teeth and swung her head, forcing the antler to crash into the tree again, separating it from her head entirely. Quickly, her mind going into fight mode instead of flight, she bent down and gripped the antler in her teeth. I hope this works….

When she heard the fast approaching steps of her attacker, she swung around toward it. The tip of the antler caught one of the monster’s rips. The extra weight took the doe by surprise, but didn’t faze her. Soon, both creatures found themselves going in circles, only one of them couldn’t do anything to stop it. The hound scratched madly at the antler, trying to escape from the spinning vortex of the doe.

Honeyfur saw her chance.

Letting go of the antler, she sent both it and the wolf flying through the air, until they crashed into a rock. The hound’s spine was the bone that met this fate this time, and snapped in half. The boney wolf slid to the ground, not moving. The green glow in its eye holes faded to nothing. Honeyfur let out a sigh of relief as she took this in. She turned to leave, but halted. Her blood ran cold as the familiar black tar swirled around the “body” once more, seeking out the damaged area. It didn’t take long to find, because it soon started to repair the spine, until it was fully intact again. The glow abruptly returned to its eyes, and only then did the wolf shoot back up to its paws again.


Honeyfur started to quiver in fear, not knowing what else to do. This is impossible! She had taken so much damage, and the wolf kept repairing itself. It seemed to be invincible.

The doe backed up, her head a little crooked from the absence of her other antler, making the one she currently had a burden. Suddenly, an idea came to her. It was the only thing she could think of, and right now she was desperate.

She took a risky action in turning her back toward the hound, but this was the only idea she had left. She charged toward the nearest tree, and swung her head to the right, causing her left antler to break off with a loud snap as it came in contact with the trunk. It fell to the ground with thud. Honeyfur backed up so that her hind hooves were right next to it. The wolf had started running at her, not wanting her to get away somehow. Gritting her teeth again, she kicked her hind legs at the antler, sending it spinning through the air, right toward the beast. Miraculously, the tip of the antler lodged itself into the right eye hole of the hound, making it skid to a stop with a surprised yelp. Honeyfur looked on in astonishment as the wolf struggled to remove the obstruction, but so far its attempts were futile.

The doe saw her chance. Gathering all her strength, she leaped at the wolf, landing on its skull. It yelped again in surprise, and struggled to get up as it was pinned down by its prey. Or, rather, its predator. Honeyfur acted fast. She grasped the antler in her teeth, and, planting a hoof on the back of the creature’s skull, yanked the antler toward her. The sudden force made the skull crack, until it eventually split in half. The doe tossed the antler away, along with the top part of the skull.

She looked down, and noticed the remaining part of the skull was full of the black tar, along with that same green glow. Curiously, she bent down to investigate, but soon noticed some of the black stuff seeping out onto the ground, and headed toward the top part of the skull. Fear, determination, and desperation made her act quickly again. She screwed her eyes shut, and swung a foreleg into the black tar. Her hoof met something solid, and flung it out of the skull filled with tar. It was a glowing green stone that landed with a thud on the ground. The glow soon began to fade as it left its safe haven, along with the tar. Without its life source, it could no longer exist. The gooey substance stopped moving, and disappeared in a billow of black cloud*. The hound moved no more.

Exhausted, Honeyfur walked up to the stone and sniffed it curiously. She then proceeded to pick it up in her mouth. I…should probably…take this…to…the…Twin Gods….They’ll…they’ll know…what…to do…with it…. Tired and weary, she managed to limp her way toward the Twin God statues, leaving a pile of bones behind her.

(*this looks like the cloud you see when someone logs off)
(Yes, this will affect her in-game. She will be wearing the Noh nubs and Crying Idol pelt for now.)
wingeddeer's picture

*claps untill hands fall

*claps untill hands fall off*
This was quite exciting! I love how you put much detail into our role-lays,and your stories Smiling
*sniff* Is this how she welcomes Phobos back? XD JK

wingeddeer's picture

*claps untill hands fall

*claps untill hands fall off*
This was quite exciting! I love how you put much detail into our role-lays,and your stories Smiling
*sniff* Is this how she welcomes Phobos back? XD JK

Honeyfur's picture

-bows- Thank you, thank you,

-bows- Thank you, thank you, xD

Unfortunately, yes ;_; But I can't wait to see his reaction though! Rofl xD
wingeddeer's picture

Awwww,I'm eager to get back

Awwww,I'm eager to get back in-forest >.<
Just a little side note:Phobos's memeory of his friends will be a little fuzzy once he comes back.Untill he gives Honeyfur alot of sniffing....then he'll freak out XD Most Likely pacing around,standing over her,or cuddling ^^

BluedeerLegend18's picture

Peirce hasn't seen you yet.

Peirce hasn't seen you yet. Wait till he does!

Also, my newest deer, Dareh, and playing with you right now!
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

Yeah, he'll get quite a

Yeah, he'll get quite a shock! ...Though, I think all her friends will, xD"
wingeddeer's picture

You know what...I think I may

You know what...I think I may be able to acces In-forest through the laptop i'm using.It's responding well to the program but i'm having connection erros.So mabye....Phobos will be back today ^^ Or not if the connection won't...connect.

Xemi's picture

Omg, poor Honey. ;; Very well

Omg, poor Honey. ;; Very well written though, cheers.~ <3
Don't you worry, Phobos, Crucio's gonna beat anyone who gets too close to your woman until you get back to do it yourself. And then he'll probably keep doing it so we'll have two good bodyguards for her. 8D
uwharrie's picture

impressive writing!! Nane

impressive writing!Exclaim!

Nane shall be on a rampage.... lol
Kirness's picture

Daawh, poor Honey.

Daawh, poor Honey. Dx
Tandem'll keep a strict watch over her too. And divebomb anyone suspicious who gets too close. 8D <3
Please call me Lyssa or Kir. n.n

Art by Anjali. ♥
Honeyfur's picture

WD: YAY! I hope it connects!

WD: YAY! I hope it connects! 8D

Xemi & Uwharrie: Thank you! <3

Uwharrie Xemi & Kirness: Lol Honey's lucky and thankful to have them as friends! <3
Rofl just visioning mini Nane going on a rampage makes me giggle xD
wingeddeer's picture

Phobos will give you all

Phobos will give you all crushing hugs when he comes back XD Once he remembers them at least.

Xemi's picture

.. Just waiting for someone

.. Just waiting for someone (aside from nameless and fawns) to get too close and.. o___o rabid Crucio mode.
Honeyfur's picture

WD: I look forward to

WD: I look forward to crushing hugs! 8D <3

Xemi: LOL me too. I want things to get interesting x]
Xemi's picture

LOL, he's so tense.. kinda

LOL, he's so tense.. kinda freaked out on that fawn.
Miniflipout from him.
uwharrie's picture

LOL when Crucio started

LOL when Crucio started rearing up at the fawn Nane was like What the?? Its a FAWN
and she was just so ready to beat someone up <3
Honeyfur's picture

Lawl Honeyfur's just so

Lawl Honeyfur's just so shaken up that she got a little freaked out too when the fawn lowered its head at them, although a bit disturbed when Crucio went off on it xD"
Xemi's picture

Uwharrie: Too much

Uwharrie: Too much testosterone. *smack'd* DAMN YOU SPRING. *smack'd more*

Honey: LOL, Crucio was just like.. OH HELLNO. /RAGE@
wingeddeer's picture

BAWWWW I neeeed to get

BAWWWW I neeeed to get on.
Lol,I was at the pond unconnected.So Phobos was there...just not...there XD

quadraptor's picture

*finally got the chance to

*finally got the chance to read this* Excellent fight! Well written!

I hope she heals up soon XD
Honeyfur's picture

Thank you! 8D Lol yeah, I'm

Thank you! 8D

Lol yeah, I'm not ready to kill her off xD"
BluedeerLegend18's picture



... literally. He is very depressed right now, if Honeyfur dies the poor stag couldn't take anything anymore.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

Awww! Poor Peirce! D8 But

Awww! Poor Peirce! D8 But don't worry, Honey's not going anywhere ;]
wingeddeer's picture

You don't even want to know

You don't even want to know what would happen to Phobos is she passed!

*Gasps* This is so shocking

*Gasps* This is so shocking ._.
Honeyfur don't dieee ;_; I hope she feels better soon...
By the way, awesome story, I really enjoyed reading this.