Playtime with fawns

Zergarikiaka's picture
Just because I had an idea and wanted to run with it. XD My laptop chewed up the quality, but meh.

Origionally I wanted to draw three DOTD fawns dogpiling on a younger Darkweaver, but I drew him too high on the iscribble board and couldn't fit them in... thus, in compromise this was spawned. XD
Aegle's picture

Wow! Great!

Wow! Great!
Snail's picture

Lawl. Deerpileplz. It's

Lawl. Deerpileplz.
It's cute. <8

"Hey there Delilah, what's life like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away, but girl, tonight you look so pretty.
Yes you do.."

Ohgod I have to draw

Ohgod I have to draw Darkweaver sometime. He has such an amazing design. :'D