To Oisín
March 19, 2010 - 8:17pm — Seele

Thank you. You have to know, that I love you too.
Please Polt.. Be brave...
I'm so sorry...
I don't love you in the same way.
You're a sweet, adorable, kind stag. And you've made me feel more appreciated as I've felt in a while!
Though, I'm not ready for a new relationship.
I won't say I'll never be!
But not right now...

Please don't be mad at me Oisín...
I really do need your support right now.
I used to love someone too. He's not here anymore, but I'm carrying his children.
Please don't be mad...
I.. I need your support too. I can't do this without my friends...
Will you be there for me?
You don't have to, though.. I undersand.
Aw Pooooltttt. :c *hugs her*
*stalks this* >> >
*Also Stalks*
Such a beautiful drawing
These two are so cute. <3
(I still love that screenshot)
I don't really feel like doing anything fancy for a response...
Polt...I understand. And I'm not mad. I could never be mad at you, especially not about this.
I think I kind of knew already. There have been clues, of course. Things I've heard from others, even some things you've said, things that didn't seem significant at first but do now that I look back. I just don't know the whole story.
I don't expect you to be able to love me the same way you love him, the way I love you. And I can accept that. For you to love me at all is already more than I could ever ask, more than I expected. I'm just happy to have you as a friend.
I will support you in any way I can. I've always wanted to be there for you. And I hope I can be there for your children as well. I just want, more than anything else, for you to be happy.
I will always be your friend and I will always be there for you.
VCG: XD *Forces Polt to hug
XD *Forces Polt to hug back <3
Stalked! D8"
AArgk! XD
Gosh isn't she XDD I'm sure she will <3
*Breaks down crying and jumps in your arms*
It's the only screenshot I found fitting <3
Oh that's alright!
Thank you..
I wasn't sure.. I have to say, there have been times in which I was so sure I could move on with you. I guess, in the end, I realised I really am not ready. The whole story? The whole story..
I guess..
I was quite young back then, fell in love with a magnificent stag called Wudiin. I wasn't the only one though! Which is where the first dilemma's started. In the end, he choose me, and I guess those were the most wonderfull months of my life.
Sappy huh.
He was ill, though, I knew this but I denied it. He died. He was in so much pain..
This emerald I carry is something he gave me. It's kinda a symbol of his love.
It's been a long time since, though. It changed me a lot. I guess that's.. All..
I really wish I could make you happy as well.. But I know I wouldn't do either of us a pleasure if I'd do something I'd regret. I do care a lot about you, and I'm really happy you want to be there for me even after all this...
Maybe you're really too good for me.
Thanks, Oisín..
((quit making me cry, darnit!
Too good? I don't know about that. I'd say nothing could ever be too good for you, but maybe that's just me.
So that is the story behind your pendant. I'd been meaning to ask, but it seems like something always distracts me.
I don't mind waiting for you, Polt. I wouldn't want for you to get into anything you're not really ready for. Perhaps this is for the best. We are both young, after all. No sense rushing into things. For now, I am happy to be your friend. And...You are welcome.