
Zergarikiaka's picture

There seems to be more liveliness in the forest lately. The past few days have been becoming increasingly eventful, in comparison to the long series of uneventful days and nights past this year so far. There has not necessarily been the kind of activity that I had once written of, in which blood had been repeatedly shed, but the telltale signs of the past promising to repeat itself have appeared.

A few days ago, I continued my usual toiling at the ruins. I would have thought that by now the roots of those weeds would have been uprooted completely by now. Regardless... I could not help but notice a certain blue doe watching from the nearby hills, beside a sleeping Wesker. At some point she sprinted into my path to cover her Hoshiko's grave. I have never touched that grave, so I do not understand why she thinks I will do something to it. Of course, I would be justified in doing so, considering how often her vile mate has uprooted and defiled my dear Laghodessa's gravesite. My blood boils to this day at the memory. Not once in the recent months has that little doe greeted me properly. She endlessly stalks and stares, often having her Wesker, children and evident grandchild with her.

On that thought... Archelius, when are you going to look for a mate? Hnn... I'll have to convince him to join the rut this year. Older than sand… and I am still not a biological grandfather. Adopting the occasional fawn for a day to be such doesn't quite fill that position. What is this...

Beside the blue doe, there have been several spirits appearing lately. I nearly lost track of all the ghostly faces that appeared. Some I will admit were not familiar. Among those to actually pay a visit that day, however, was Nightmare. I appreciated his company, for the time it lasted. It is concerning to see so many spirits growing restless. This can only indicate chaos coming in the near future. They're not this active with the exception of Hallow's Eve, unless there is something about to occur, or something that has already taken place.

The following day had been quieter, in regard to spirit activity. The weeds were not as atrocious, so I called it a day off. It wasn't long before a bunny-shaped Darcy came to join me. It was rather... humorous to see the stag in such a form. He led me to meet a doe named Herla. She was kind, and soon the two persuaded me to join them in frolicking about. For the time, I did not mind my ankles swelling under my shackles, and the fresh blood dripping out. Of course, it wouldn't be long before the pain caught my attention and I had to slow down. Darcy resumed his deer form, and we all sat together for a short time.

Now, there was a face I haven't seen in a while. Rowan, cowering a short distance away. She still fears me it seems. Hnn... I shall never understand...
On the other side of us, Kaoori also stalked and stared... I dare say cowering as well.
This was double the insult, and so I stood and said farewell to Herla and Darcy, and left for the birch forest.

Grudges, fears... Do they really believe I'm the bad guy? Hnn...

I resumed rest in the birch forest a short while, before being joined by Quad. He requested some training in combat, so I stood again and had him show me what he knows so far.
A few basic maneuvers, mostly running. I'm not convinced he knows the importance of running yet...
I gave him a few tips to keep in mind, and a few maneuvers I myself use and feel would be useful with his weight and usual tines in mind. I would like it if he came back for more 'training' when my fetlocks recover. There is so much more to teach him.

I remained in the birch forest the rest of the day, watching birds and occasional deer walk by.
However, a certain old hunger had begun to rise up over time. I could no longer deny the desire to taste flesh again. After a long enough rest, I left the birch forest to hunt.

I managed to find a lone stag, sleeping... His antlers were almost the same as Wesker's and the Priest's. I sniffed at him, to be sure, and to be certain he would not wake up before I ate. When sure, I lowered my head and parted my jaws to take the first bite, only to be cut short as a fawn and another stag approached and bowed. I played innocent and bowed back, then tried to wait them out. They were intent on staying around me, so I had to count the meal lost.


This will not do.

I left when I realized they would not, and let myself take to the peace of sleep. There will be another day to hunt soon enough.