The number 15 and other Madness...

LighttheSky's picture
Screen cap from the few moments I was on May 11th. <3 I'm sorry I missed the party! < ~.~; >

'Tis almost time for me to grow up, and I'm rather excited. *lol* I registered/joined the Endless Forest April 15th 18:05:47 +0200 (*is really bad with time translation*...... < *o.O* > ) which is nearly a month ago! I can't believe I've been here that long already. Light is nearly a big deer. I registered on my third day here and went from a nameless deer to Light the faun, and now on May 15th Light will officially be no longer a faun.

I remember my first steps into the forest as an unnamed deer before that.... wondering what kind of place it was, and feeling rather intimidated but intrigued at the same time. I remember thinking "what if I can't understand anyone?" or "what if I'm just another annoying faun?" “what if no one likes me?” ... it nearly felt like a first day of school all over again... and that was YEARS ago for me. *lol*

I wonder if I'll miss the faun-hood? I have enjoyed feeling young again and being able to defer to other older deer to be in charge of things or to hide behind and feel small-but-safe... at the same time I can't wait to really make my identity stick and no longer look like every other faun in the forest.

However... It's not the 15th yet so I have to fill the time with something or go mad. < ^.^; > so speaking of madness....

Aghhhh!!! What is this gravity-less madness?!?

Am I really that heavy?... < O.O; >


Aghhh!! The Troll got him!!! *hehehe*
The light today made the bridge rather creepy....

~ < ^.^ > - <3
Tuhka's picture

I can't even remember

I can't even remember Quamar's fawnhood anymore. It just feels like i've been playing TEF for sooo long.
I started playing when phase 2 was going on and soon after my joining phase 3 came and i turned into fawn. I have only one memory: i was playing with two other fawns near the playground and we were running around together and dancing. that's all i have from Quamar's fawnhood. In that time i didn't even know how to take screenshots. Sticking out tongue
LighttheSky's picture

That makes you seem so

That makes you seem so ooooold! *lol* (*lol*as if I'm one to talk... 28 irl makes me FEEL old...) I'm glad I'll at least have a record of being a faun in the forest. I'd like to be around as long as you have and see what kind of changes happen. <3

~ < ^.^ >
| Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb |
Tuhka's picture

Lol, I randomly stumbled

Lol, I randomly stumbled upon this. Awww Light fawny xDD
Good old times <3
[Hey, I remember the third image!]

*going through some old entries to kill boredom*