Mine are the Night and Morning

Waning-Sun's picture
Notes- finally got around to adding her ref.

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1.13 Spent her day wandering after her mother, spazzing and stomping on birds, sniffing deer and being an overall easily amused little lady.
11.15 Had her first encounter with creatures aside from her mother. Met Stone and Rune, but only knows them as vaguely familiar shapes in that they look like her mother, kind of. Wasn't sure how to respond to any of them, so just sort of stared at them and sniffed them as often as she could without directly approaching them. Curious, but naturally afraid- and still very much tired with all the bad weather. Hunkered down in a nearby thicket to observe them further, before she became much too sleepy and was led off to pass out at her home.

Still lethargic and less willing to move around much. Mother's health improving means Little One's will most likely improve as well.
Has remained still and hidden in the thicket beside her ailing mother. Her little mind can't comprehend what's wrong, so doing her best to snuggle and groom her mother in hopes of helping. Beginning to feel the effects of being hungry and tired a lot of the time, but doesn't complain too much about it. Holds no desire to explore while her mother is unwell. Health is slowly, but steadily declining along with her mother's.

11.2 Romps with Mother through a confetti shower. Nothing odd about that.

Has stayed quiet and hidden since arriving in the forest. The weather confused her, from the annoyingly cold snow of the day previous, to the rain before that, to the flowers falling today. Doesn't know what to make of any of it. Found the snow fun until she became too cold and hunkered down under her mother for warmth. Woke up to the flowers and didn't know what to do about it. Thought it was something she could eat, so gummed it and found it disgusting. Was scared of it before that, though, and wouldn't bring herself out of her grass shelter for a little while upon waking. Once she determined it wouldn't eat her and she couldn't eat it, just sort of idly batted at it with a hoof and turned it into her new play buddy. Romped in it for a little while, before falling asleep in it once again. Pretty tuckered out from being cold the last couple of days. Nothing a good sleep in the sun couldn't cure.

I hid in the solar glory.

Disclaimer: Character is 100% in character unless otherwise stated. Character is © me. Please contact me if you find you have an issue with her. Coding elements were taken from templates given to me, or handed out by, Unplugged and Ems. Fawn image is clipart. Music is "Existence" by Audiomachine. Bio may contain mature themes as the character ages. Comments are not monitored. Quotes belong to "Song of Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
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