Character Information

Waning-Sun's picture
Starting with Zash.

What is this? It's a blog for various pieces of information regarding the characters above. The "?" will get you back to this page. The "•" contains various pieces of mismatched information regarding the two spirits Akhenaton and Leander and It, the grass deer, as well as Kerwin.
•This is always a Work in Progress as I find new things about these guys all the time. This is a way for you and for me to understand these characters more, some of them are far more complex than they first seem.

**May be referred to throughout this as: Zach, Zash, or Zachary. The vast majority of the forest simply knows him as Zash. Rarely will he give his actual name.**
-----Random Favorites
- Zash's favorite color is olive green.
-----Food Issues
- His favorite ice cream is peach. It is the only food that he openly enjoys and will admit to enjoying. Most food doesn't interest him.
-Zach's food issues go as far back as he remembers. As a young boy he grew up in basic household around the turn of the century. By that point he was already beginning to learn to tread lightly around his father. Being born in a small town in Tennessee, he grew up with the philosphy to eat everything he was given on his plate. His mother wasn't an incredibly talented cook, but she did her best to make the meals her husband wanted and enough for her son to eat. Zach never learned he could have a say in what was for dinner. In fact, it was safer if he didn't. He learned by the age of four to not complain about food, just accept it as being dinner, choke it down, and move on with life. Even after his father left when he was six, dinner was still a somewhat awkward experience as his father's shadow still loomed from his seat at the table. He began to avoid the horribly awkward evenings by trying to stay out until near dark or spend meals at his friends' tables. As the years passed food became associated with the awkward times he had to sit around the table while his mother desperately tried to make small talk- though that faded into silence as Zach got older- or the times his father dominated conversations in his younger years. By the time he reached the age of 13 he was beginning to question everything that had happened to him by that point, beginning to try to plan his future and understand just who he was. It was a dark and confusing time for him, and it still goes on to some extent today as he nears his 19th birthday. By that point his mother had stopped making meals and Zash was left to fend for himself. He only ate when he forced himself to, which was either snacking a couple times a day or pointedly eating a random meal throughout the day. He never learned how to cook. It is part of why he is anorexic, though that also stems from a self loathing.

Now he has little to no opinion of food. If questioned his opinion he will become flustered, heated and snappy. Or he will simply shrug and claim he doesn't have one.

-- Zach doesn't like eating in company. He doesn't like being forced to eat in general. Mentioning his eating habits to him get an immediate negative reaction- even if it's just a fleeting remark. He used to be hounded by concerned friends to eat and has grown defensive of the subject. If he does eat around you, he eats in silence and seems to try to make himself as small as possible. He may pick at his food and leave the majority untouched-sort of defying his old rules in a way-.

Mental and Emotional
• Change is bad. Meets change with a fight in mind. Especially when he can do nothing but watch this change happen.

• Has deep rooted emotional problems. May be a mix of a lot of problems, may be situational.

Human vs. Deer
• Human and deer Zash are one and the same person, though Deer Zash is less confident in himself. He can't fake confidence like he can as a person.

Waning-Sun's picture

'Tis purple.

'Tis purple.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Waning-Sun's picture

Hmm. That's a bit better.

Hmm. That's a bit better.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Poppyflower's picture


Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
wingeddeer's picture

Yes. YES.
