You know what. Let's try updating in comments. Hopefully this way this doesn't look too abandoned ? :'D
Well, I'm officially 19!! \o/
ehh.. not much to say about yesterday.. it was a rainy day (I love rainy days!) but that means our plan to go to the movies was ruined XD that was not so fun. Instead we stayed home and bought some yummy food
My little cousin (the one I always complain about) gave us some plushies, (I talk about me and my 2 sisters, we have the same birthday) and later her mom told us they were her plushies, but she decided to give them to us D': now I feel touched. Oh kid, you know deep down I love you too ;_; even if I don't say it out loud...
I woke up with bad news today. Last week I got a betta fish, as an early birthday present. Yesterday he started swimming weird, using only one of his pectoral fins, but other than that I didn't see anything wrong. He was still eating... only at nightfall I noticed him staying in the gravel, and leaning slightly to one side, there I started worrying. This morning my fears where confirmed... he is dead now. I'm not sure what happened to him. :'/ maybe he was old... or was already sick at the store
On a brighter note, I'm on vacations now. I passed everything \o/ Normally I'd start classes until August, but I'm a little behind because I failed a couple subjects in earlier semesters D': So, this summer there's an option to take extra courses so the people left behind can catch up to the others, and I decided to go for it o/
They start in 2 weeks... it seems my complete return to TEF keeps getting delayed ._. I'll probably just be able to play TEF during weekends, or at nights if I don't have too much homework to do (which I highly doubt, since it will be a rather intensive course, since it's only for a month. I'll need to keep focused)
I don't know if someone is actually expecting the photos I said I'd post a while ago... if you are, I'm so sorry for my tardiness ;_; I was thinking of a way to upload them up here without them taking too much space (like clickable miniatures so they open in another tab) but I don't know how to do it and I'm too lazy to do that now :'D I'll just post them in the comments xD or make another blog.
This game. I played it. It's kinda short... but it was BEAUTIFUL :'c
Trying to think of a better title for this blog...
Hey there, it's time I give some signs of life, isn't it o_O
I haven't been much in the mood to play TEF lately... I thought at least I should write some updates about how things are going.
My summer courses were good. Really good actually 8D I had the highest score of the class! It's been a while since I had such high marks, it's good to remember that feel xD
I'm now back to regular classes now (first week!) or almost regular, since I'm stull not fully back on track with all the subjects I should be taking. (I still have one behind and because of that one I couldn't take another two this semester -_-) I don't know if I'm making sense. Educational system is WEIRD.
Well. The main point is: I had hoped that taking the summer course I'd be able to have a more normal schedule this semester, but NO it sucks!! it has some ridiculously long lapses of free time between classes and the first class one day would be at 11AM when the next day is 7AM and stuff like that. It's CRAZY. Besides, all of my friends?/ people I usually feel comfortable around/make work teams with (Dx) are not in my classroom.. I tend to get more stressed over things like that than "normal" people ._. it's really no fun ugghh The only "good" thing is that somehow I don't have any classes on Fridays.
Pancho, my 5-6 year old goldfish just died today. I'm saaad. I miss the sound of his waterfall filter, it was nice to hear at night when I'm about to sleep... it's too quiet now...
He is now resting in the garden with my plants...
oh 8D thank you! isn't he handsome? xD
Actually it's not a blue ram, but a bolivian ram and... I don't have it anymore :'c
I had two of them, (I actually bought them as blue rams e_e then I found out they weren't and at first I was annoyed, but I started to like them and decided to keep them... now I think they've become one of my favorite fish o3o) I bought them thinking they were a couple... but later it was revealed they were two males :'c and as they grew they started fighting for territory, and my tank isn't large enough for two males, so that fish has a new home now :3 I still have the other one~ *rambles*
I just have 1 tank at the moment... maybe I'll post some pictures later C:
To my few friends in here, (if you are still here? ;_;) I am SO SORRY for disappearing all this time. I really am :c I'm so sorry I never said anything. All this time I've been trying to dedicate more time to my studies.. and to be honest it didn't go very well.. not at all.
I failed a class. Again. I really shouldn't have let this happen and it sucks because I know I could have done so much better. It's not that I'm a lazy person or that I have trouble learning all the stuff, but because of some personal issues I have and.. ugghh... it's really hard to explain.
I thought I was making progress in this. Well, I know I did some progress... but the world doesn't wait -_- I'm just so pissed at myself I'M SO FRUSTRATED I feel like crying x_x
The grading I got is just horrible I don't want anyone to see it. I don't know how am I going to explain this to my parents, I feel like the worst daughter. I really don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to disappoint so many people, & that is if I didn't do it already.
I'm questioning myself about my career choice now. But the worst thing is there really isn't any other career I can see myself in. But at this point I don't see myself in this one either. I'm still waiting for 1 more result. I'm scared :/
I was aiming to dedicate myself to wildlife management. I really like that, and I actually feel like it's calling me, but again because of certain issues I don't really think I can do that. It feels like I can't do anything I want.
I'm sorry it feels like I just came here to rant, I know this place is not for this kind of stuff -_-
I haven't forgotten about TEF, I doubt I ever will, this place has been of so much help to me. I hope I can come back properly again someday ;_; Maybe I'll go online one of these days.
Big BIG Hugs to anyone who actually takes the time to read this. And I'm sorry again ;_; I had to get this off my chest.
You are not forgotten !!
So sorry to hear those sad news .
But don't let this discourage you from being what you really want to be .
I failed classes ( a lot ) too but i managed to get a little better , little by little .
And the day for my biggest exam i did not fail .
I really wish you all the best
*HUGSSSS* FLY you're still here <3
Thank you for your encouraging words <3 so much <3 really thank you ;_;
Sighs. I'm just seriously worried at this point because I've thought about quitting several times now, and my grades are just getting worse over time. (and the classes I've failed are the "important" ones >_>) and I don't know :c maybe this wasn't really what I wanted ;~; also the fact that this career is so time-consuming and I've found that it's driving me away from so many other things I like, and I don't feel okay about that...
I've been thinking about it for 2 whole days.. and looking at other options but... I still don't know T__T
I still have to talk to my mom Hopefully I can sort out this whole thing soon
Nice timing, wocio! I got back myself just a couple of days ago :D
Schools can be a real pain in ass and tell ya what, I'm on a break myself. That's due to some health issues, let's say. I'll be back on my academy next semester and I certainly hope I will make it somehow (a break that long will probably affect my productivity there a lot).
And same goes for you. First of all, don't stress, calm down. No matter how important education is, school isn't the most important thing. It's a pity society expects us to choose a carreer path at such a young age, but believe it or not, changes are possible later too. It just requires effort.
Girl, it's GOOD you have doubts! It sure is a healthy sign. And, believe me, you will always have doubts. But as long as something brings you a dose of satisfaction, I think it's worth it. Take as much as you possibly can, enjoy what you're doing, remember there will always be worse days.
But it can't rain forever, right? So gimme a smile, girl!
And take your time. This community will always welcome you with open arms.
OHH OH. HEEEY are you really back DDD: Perfect timing indeed D': oooohhhh
YOUR COMMENT MADE ME SO HAPPY and made me think a lot thank you ;n; AHHH.
I've been considering taking a break actually. Yes I've calmed down a bit ._. Things are more clear in my head now, I've been thinking about a lot of things (it's a really long story I'll write about it later) and I think I'm reaching to a conclussion.. but I know I have to take my time in this. I still haven't talked to my mom though *sobs* I don't know how she'll take this :/ probably I'm just overthinking this and I shouldn't be so scared of her reaction (my mom is a nice mom :3) but still ;~;
I'll tell you guys how it all goes after I've talked to her <3
Oh my god I missed this place so much more than I thought even if I barely talked to anyone in here
Yays! Be cool, babe. It's going to be okay, I tell you. And please inform us about the results :D Everything requires time and effort, but I'm sure you're gonna make it.
Well I finally talked to them. O_O
It went better than expected. First I talked to my mom... I was feeling horrible because
1. I had to tell her I failed the class, and right now we're having some money problems so we wouldn't be able to pay for the whole course again (I was scared she might cry 8c I never know what to do when people cry. She didn't cry, thank God).
2. I had to tell her I wanted to drop out. (Yes I'm dropping out D;) And I really didn't want her to remind me of all the money they invested on my career, and now I'm just dropping out, etc. because I already have been brooding over that for days. what am I going to do with all these expensive books I bought. sob
But she was really cool for the most part. I dropped the bomb, and she just asked "what do you want to study then?" o.o and I said I've been looking at options but I still haven't completely made up my mind. Then she asked if I was completely sure about it, and I said yes u_u. Then she says "why didn't you tell us sooner?" and I just ._. mom this was a hard decision you know, I've been thinking about this for weeks, maybe months D;
Then we talked about possible options.. and she kept saying things like "and what are we going to do if it turns out you don't like this either?" MOM I DON'T KNOW I told you I haven't made up my mind yet >:U (I think she was just stressed I'm sorry mom T__T)
She wanted me to decide quickly x_x she wanted me to reincorporate to studying in January already, but the inscription period is over, so I'll have to wait until August next year D;
I think I'll have plenty of time to decide 8c I could go back to studying vet, but I really doubt I will. Also.. I'll eventually want to look for some kind of job, I really don't want to stay at home all day watching everyone else do something productive with their lives :I
So yes... after much MUCH thinking, I realized that as much as I love animals and would like to do a lot of things in their behalf :'c I don't see myself in the future working in this field. It's too much stress for me, that and other things I'm not sure how to explain D;
...6 months. help
Aww, all these questions might be annoying, but I'm pretty sure your mom worries about you a lot. It must be a stressful situation for her too. I'm really happy you finally talked to her, you did pretty well I think. Don't worry, take your time, remember to relax a bit too (:
I think you've made the right decision, wocio. I know a lot of people (including me) who did not finish their studies and started over.
Don't stress yourself with quick and hasty choices. You've got 6 months. Maybe get yourself a mini job or keep your eyes open for internships in a field that might work out for you?
Guysss ;u; I feel the love
THANK YOU really, thanks for your support <3 *HUGSSS*
I just realized it's not 6 months.. it's a bit more D; hahaha
oh and I got my last result. I passed... barely huh
Hey, good to hear from you again! ♥ Too bad game doesn't run well on your laptop, but I guess I can relate. Though I haven't been very active lately myself, but it sure feels good to come here and see an update from you!
I'm back at my uni this semester (after a couple of months of break) so I know exactly how you feel about the whole school thing. I'm doing okay, I guess. Still procrastinating as hell and the only thing I do is stress about it, but it's not all that bad. Basically I'm just scared of waking up tomorrow only to realize there isn't enough time left for me to finish (or start) anything (just like a year ago). But, uh, so far so good. Don't stress too much about it. School might be important, but getting too nervous about it is simply not worth it.
I'm sorry to hear about your disorder. Don't push yourself. Whenever you feel you're ready, just get it ff your chest. It really does help and, even though you might feel pretty lonely right now, I'm sure you're not the only one! You will always have my support anyway ♥
Take care!
Hey guys.. I'm alive! T-T I'm really sorry for disappearing like this, I just don't really feel like coming here anymore... But I'm doing good, actually, it looks like I'll be going back to college this August (I passed the entrance exam! yay! -Just got the results yesterday-)
so... I really don't want this to feel lilke a goodbye.. but I really can't say I'm coming back either :/ at least not for the time being. Like I said before, I just don't really feel like coming here, maybe it's just time for me to focus on other things.
I just think, if there comes a time I feel more at ease with myself, I might come back here.
I really wish I could leave something here for you guys to contact me (though i'm really not sure if anyone'd like to keep in touch with me? ;-;) but really.. I don't know. These days I'm mostly on tumblr, but it's really.... strange XD I doubt you'd like to see it. I think I have skype? I don't remember my account right now xD I might post it here later
sighhhh I'm already feeling sad before posting this :| I just want to say TEF has been very important to me, and I won't ever forget about this place and the people I met here, even if we weren't very close, and I hope life is good for all of you.
but ;-; I really don't want to say goodbye, I hope this is more like a "see you later"?
We will miss you , sweet Friend !!!
And your sister too , long time not seen .
Send her Nuzzles from me
The forest and your Friends will still be here if you decide to come by and take a look
Here I am! 2 years later c: Has it really been 2 years? D:
I'm doing good! I'm feeling great right now actually :'D I have a job! and I'm starting school (yes, again) on August hopefully... also I have a boyfriend woah when did that happen
I'm sorry I left without explaining much. I was dealing with some mental/anxiety issues back then and sort of decided I needed to take a break from this game (and from the internet in general) and focus more on myself.
I have / had? an anxiety disorder called selective mutism and I've been working on trying to overcome it. I think I've made a lot of progress now c': I'm feeling much much better than 2 years ago. I want to write about my experiences with this, I'm just not sure if I should write about it here or maybe make a separate post about it and make some kind of diary to record my progress c:
I recently got a new laptop 8D so yesterday I suddenly felt the need to try TEF on it and see how it runs.. it's BEAUTIFUL and I cry tears of happiness.
So I think this is me coming back c': at least for now. Maybe I won't be as active as before though, I'll be taking my college entrance exam on June and I need to study, also I'm an adultier adult now and I have to work too XD
Ahhh , good to hear news from you and good ones too !!
Maybe we can meet in the game soon , i hope .
We have 3 new sets to play with !
My Fly has now the swan pelt (Grey white pelt ) , Luchador mask and still his candles .
Congrats for the job and the Boyfriend
I hope your sisiter is well too , send her hugs from me
Btw , is the mailadress still correct ...i tried to send you a mail but it failed .
Yes c: we should meet each other one of these days in game :0
Ohh yes I knew about the sets! They are really nice, I love the swan set
<3 I'll accept this hug and give it to Wiana
ahh that email address .. I hadn't used it in a long time so it wasn't working properly.. it should work now but I'll switch to this one instead since I use it more: Try sending it to that one ?
Yes , saw your picto on the map , couldn't resist to say hello
Thanks for giving me your new mailadress !!
Btw , i have skype too .
Name is "Flyleaftef" if you want to chat there .
Thank you Fly I'll consider it! I don't use Skype much but I should consider it, I think it would be more comfortable than just sending mails XD
I'll update this page when I start using it
This is my 3rd book by Stephen King c: I think I'm becoming a fan
But OMG This one I was about to drop it because at the beggining I found it boring D: I feel like everything happens too slow ?? But now I'm almost finished and I'm really liking it :'D I get warm fuzzy feelings in certain scenes and I'm :'D?? how do you do this. isn't this supposed to be a scary book
Ahahaha, he's good at making you fall in love with the characters even with it being so twisted and odd. I totally agree, it took me being really dedicated to stick to it with the first...100 or so pages before it picks up. What other two of his have you read?
: D The first one I read was Dreamcatcher ~ It was a while ago so I don't remember it too well but I really liked that one, it also gave me warm fuzzy feels c': Though I remember lots of people died D':
The other one was Under the Dome and oh man that book gave so much STRESS ahaha and lots of people die too
Actually lots of people die too in It
people just die in these books
I've heard of that one I shall add it to my list of possible next books to read But next on my list right now is Game of Thrones \o/
------------------------------------- BLOG UPDATE
I updated my contact info, now I have a skype account, you can add me if you want~ I'm jaehobbit
Slightly changing the topic
Gardening is one of my main hobbies :'D This is my favorite plant and... ok that's an old photo from 3 years ago lol. I haven't been able to get it to grow like that again ); Winter that year wasn't good ;_; and by spring-summer next year it became infested with mealybugs. There was that and also other things.. by the start of this year I decided to try some drastic measures
This is from January 24, this year:
A month later:
And today I got a surprise:
c': First flowers! I'm so happy :'D
It's getting big too
I love lantanas ;u; I love how big they can get(hi it's me in there) and I love their flowers. They attract a lot of butterfly species and other critters, but since my garden is kind of hidden(?) and not very big it.. doesn't really work D; occasionally a hummingbird or some small butterflies will come to visit tho. Ahhh one day.. one day I'll live in my own house and have a giant garden B( yes sir
/frowns at the aloe put those in there because he was going to "use them for medicinal purposes" but they're just there and he does nothing with them and I just >_> there's 3 of them. THERE'S NOT ENOUGH SPACE.
Late and after the fact, but I agree, Fly, his older works are some of the better ones. And ah, Dreamcatcher! That one I could not, for the life of me, get into. I couldn't and probably still can't wrap my head around the military jargon. But, Under the Dome was great! Revival is one of his newer ones that has a feel like his older works. I definitely recommend Desperation and Christine too. Definitely Christine. I love that car.
And lovely plant! It's awesome how massive they can get.
Oh my ;w; You seem very interesting dude <3 And I lov ur deer
It's the first time I actually connect to the community or meet someone I've actually met in the game oh myyy Q^Q
Oh hellooo
Ahh are you one of the deer I'm sitting with behind the idol?
Oh really? XD haha welcome to the community And nice to meet you and your friend ^^ you're nice company
^ Oh I don't know why it didn't track to my profile D: oh my. First time trying to join the community and fails everything. -dies-
(you are cool please don't kill me)
I am the weird one with flowers on antlers. And.. t-thanks .3.
Oh nawh you are cool. I am completely sure you are so pshhhhh...
I'm still figuring out how this page works o~o . (should've done it some time ago tho)
It seems so cool here. And everybody seems so cool here -loser feelings come in-
Hii sorry I left so suddenly I have to go do some things.. I don't really know if I'll be back online later in the day :'c but hey I hope to see you around
And ohh don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon XD But if you have any questions just ask c:
Oh yes , curious now
edit. ^ FDJKHFKGTR wiana you
^ FDJKHFKGTR wiana you evil ninja :c
Good to see you here again
See you soon
I don't visit TEFc too often,
You know what. Let's try
Well, I'm officially 19!! \o/
ehh.. not much to say about yesterday.. it was a rainy day (I love rainy days!) but that means our plan to go to the movies was ruined XD that was not so fun. Instead we stayed home and bought some yummy food
My little cousin (the one I always complain about) gave us some plushies, (I talk about me and my 2 sisters, we have the same birthday) and later her mom told us they were her plushies, but she decided to give them to us D': now I feel touched. Oh kid, you know deep down I love you too ;_; even if I don't say it out loud...
I woke up with bad news today. Last week I got a betta fish, as an early birthday present. Yesterday he started swimming weird, using only one of his pectoral fins, but other than that I didn't see anything wrong. He was still eating... only at nightfall I noticed him staying in the gravel, and leaning slightly to one side, there I started worrying. This morning my fears where confirmed... he is dead now. I'm not sure what happened to him. :'/ maybe he was old... or was already sick at the store
On a brighter note, I'm on vacations now. I passed everything \o/ Normally I'd start classes until August, but I'm a little behind because I failed a couple subjects in earlier semesters D': So, this summer there's an option to take extra courses so the people left behind can catch up to the others, and I decided to go for it o/
They start in 2 weeks... it seems my complete return to TEF keeps getting delayed ._. I'll probably just be able to play TEF during weekends, or at nights if I don't have too much homework to do (which I highly doubt, since it will be a rather intensive course, since it's only for a month. I'll need to keep focused)
I don't know if someone is actually expecting the photos I said I'd post a while ago... if you are, I'm so sorry for my tardiness ;_; I was thinking of a way to upload them up here without them taking too much space (like clickable miniatures so they open in another tab) but I don't know how to do it and I'm too lazy to do that now :'D I'll just post them in the comments xD or make another blog.
This game. I played it. It's kinda short... but it was BEAUTIFUL :'c
Trying to think of a better title for this blog...
08/08/13 Hey there, it's time
Hey there, it's time I give some signs of life, isn't it o_O
I haven't been much in the mood to play TEF lately... I thought at least I should write some updates about how things are going.
My summer courses were good. Really good actually 8D I had the highest score of the class! It's been a while since I had such high marks, it's good to remember that feel xD
I'm now back to regular classes now (first week!) or almost regular, since I'm stull not fully back on track with all the subjects I should be taking. (I still have one behind and because of that one I couldn't take another two this semester -_-) I don't know if I'm making sense. Educational system is WEIRD.
Well. The main point is: I had hoped that taking the summer course I'd be able to have a more normal schedule this semester, but NO
Pancho, my 5-6 year old goldfish just died today. I'm saaad. I miss the sound of his waterfall filter, it was nice to hear at night when I'm about to sleep... it's too quiet now...
He is now resting in the garden with my plants...
Good to hear something from
We miss youuuuu!!!
Don't be sad , Gives "Hugs" !!!
*hugs back* c: thanks Fly I
I miss the forest too! I just have other things in my head right now and I'm trying to focus more on my studies...
Also, just found out there will be new sets O_O I couldn't believe it at first xD but it's awesome, can't wait to see them in-game D:
Just had to pop by to say
oh 8D thank you! isn't he
Actually it's not a blue ram, but a bolivian ram and... I don't have it anymore :'c
I had two of them, (I actually bought them as blue rams e_e then I found out they weren't and at first I was annoyed, but I started to like them and decided to keep them... now I think they've become one of my favorite fish o3o) I bought them thinking they were a couple... but later it was revealed they were two males :'c and as they grew they started fighting for territory, and my tank isn't large enough for two males, so that fish has a new home now :3 I still have the other one~ *rambles*
I just have 1 tank at the moment... maybe I'll post some pictures later C:
SIGH. Where do I start? To
To my few friends in here, (if you are still here? ;_;) I am SO SORRY for disappearing all this time. I really am :c I'm so sorry I never said anything. All this time I've been trying to dedicate more time to my studies.. and to be honest it didn't go very well.. not at all.
I failed a class. Again. I really shouldn't have let this happen and it sucks because I know I could have done so much better. It's not that I'm a lazy person or that I have trouble learning all the stuff, but because of some personal issues I have and.. ugghh... it's really hard to explain.
I thought I was making progress in this. Well, I know I did some progress... but the world doesn't wait -_- I'm just so pissed at myself I'M SO FRUSTRATED I feel like crying x_x
The grading I got is just horrible I don't want anyone to see it. I don't know how am I going to explain this to my parents, I feel like the worst daughter. I really don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to disappoint so many people, & that is if I didn't do it already.
I'm questioning myself about my career choice now. But the worst thing is there really isn't any other career I can see myself in. But at this point I don't see myself in this one either. I'm still waiting for 1 more result. I'm scared :/
I was aiming to dedicate myself to wildlife management. I really like that, and I actually feel like it's calling me, but again because of certain issues I don't really think I can do that. It feels like I can't do anything I want.
I'm sorry it feels like I just came here to rant, I know this place is not for this kind of stuff -_-
I haven't forgotten about TEF, I doubt I ever will, this place has been of so much help to me. I hope I can come back properly again someday ;_; Maybe I'll go online one of these days.
Big BIG Hugs to anyone who actually takes the time to read this. And I'm sorry again ;_; I had to get this off my chest.
You are not forgotten !! So
So sorry to hear those sad news .
But don't let this discourage you from being what you really want to be .
I failed classes ( a lot ) too but i managed to get a little better , little by little .
And the day for my biggest exam i did not fail .
I really wish you all the best
*HUGSSSS* FLY you're still
Thank you for your encouraging words <3 so much <3 really thank you ;_;
Sighs. I'm just seriously worried at this point because I've thought about quitting several times now, and my grades are just getting worse over time. (and the classes I've failed are the "important" ones >_>) and I don't know :c maybe this wasn't really what I wanted ;~; also the fact that this career is so time-consuming and I've found that it's driving me away from so many other things I like, and I don't feel okay about that...
I've been thinking about it for 2 whole days.. and looking at other options but... I still don't know T__T
I still have to talk to my mom
Nice timing, wocio! I got
Schools can be a real pain in ass and tell ya what, I'm on a break myself. That's due to some health issues, let's say. I'll be back on my academy next semester and I certainly hope I will make it somehow (a break that long will probably affect my productivity there a lot).
And same goes for you. First of all, don't stress, calm down. No matter how important education is, school isn't the most important thing. It's a pity society expects us to choose a carreer path at such a young age, but believe it or not, changes are possible later too. It just requires effort.
Girl, it's GOOD you have doubts! It sure is a healthy sign. And, believe me, you will always have doubts. But as long as something brings you a dose of satisfaction, I think it's worth it. Take as much as you possibly can, enjoy what you're doing, remember there will always be worse days.
But it can't rain forever, right? So gimme a smile, girl!
And take your time. This community will always welcome you with open arms.
OHH OH. HEEEY are you really
YOUR COMMENT MADE ME SO HAPPY and made me think a lot thank you ;n; AHHH.
I've been considering taking a break actually. Yes I've calmed down a bit ._. Things are more clear in my head now, I've been thinking about a lot of things (it's a really long story I'll write about it later) and I think I'm reaching to a conclussion.. but I know I have to take my time in this. I still haven't talked to my mom though *sobs* I don't know how she'll take this :/ probably I'm just overthinking this and I shouldn't be so scared of her reaction (my mom is a nice mom :3) but still ;~;
I'll tell you guys how it all goes after I've talked to her <3
Oh my god I missed this place so much more than I thought
even if I barely talked to anyone in hereYays! Be cool, babe. It's
Well I finally talked to
It went better than expected. First I talked to my mom... I was feeling horrible because
1. I had to tell her I failed the class, and right now we're having some money problems so we wouldn't be able to pay for the whole course again (I was scared she might cry 8c I never know what to do when people cry. She didn't cry, thank God).
2. I had to tell her I wanted to drop out. (Yes I'm dropping out D;) And I really didn't want her to remind me of all the money they invested on my career, and now I'm just dropping out, etc. because I already have been brooding over that for days. what am I going to do with all these expensive books I bought. sob
But she was really cool for the most part. I dropped the bomb, and she just asked "what do you want to study then?" o.o and I said I've been looking at options but I still haven't completely made up my mind. Then she asked if I was completely sure about it, and I said yes u_u. Then she says "why didn't you tell us sooner?" and I just ._. mom this was a hard decision you know, I've been thinking about this for weeks, maybe months D;
Then we talked about possible options.. and she kept saying things like "and what are we going to do if it turns out you don't like this either?" MOM I DON'T KNOW I told you I haven't made up my mind yet >:U (I think she was just stressed I'm sorry mom T__T)
She wanted me to decide quickly x_x she wanted me to reincorporate to studying in January already, but the inscription period is over, so I'll have to wait until August next year D;
I think I'll have plenty of time to decide 8c I could go back to studying vet, but I really doubt I will. Also.. I'll eventually want to look for some kind of job, I really don't want to stay at home all day watching everyone else do something productive with their lives :I
So yes... after much MUCH thinking, I realized that as much as I love animals and would like to do a lot of things in their behalf :'c I don't see myself in the future working in this field. It's too much stress for me, that and other things I'm not sure how to explain D;
...6 months. help
Sends "Hugs" over to you
Aww, all these questions
I think you've made the right
Don't stress yourself with quick and hasty choices. You've got 6 months. Maybe get yourself a mini job or keep your eyes open for internships in a field that might work out for you?
Guysss ;u; I feel the
THANK YOU really, thanks for your support <3 *HUGSSS*
I just realized it's not 6 months.. it's a bit more D; hahaha
oh and I got my last result. I passed... barely huh
;u; I love you guys
Yesss , good to hear !
Hey, good to hear from you
I'm back at my uni this semester (after a couple of months of break) so I know exactly how you feel about the whole school thing. I'm doing okay, I guess. Still procrastinating as hell and the only thing I do is stress about it, but it's not all that bad. Basically I'm just scared of waking up tomorrow only to realize there isn't enough time left for me to finish (or start) anything (just like a year ago). But, uh, so far so good. Don't stress too much about it. School might be important, but getting too nervous about it is simply not worth it.
I'm sorry to hear about your disorder. Don't push yourself. Whenever you feel you're ready, just get it ff your chest. It really does help and, even though you might feel pretty lonely right now, I'm sure you're not the only one! You will always have my support anyway ♥
Take care!
Big "Hug" from Myself
Stay strong !!
Hey guys.. I'm alive! T-T I'm
so... I really don't want this to feel lilke a goodbye.. but I really can't say I'm coming back either :/ at least not for the time being. Like I said before, I just don't really feel like coming here, maybe it's just time for me to focus on other things.
I just think, if there comes a time I feel more at ease with myself, I might come back here.
I really wish I could leave something here for you guys to contact me (though i'm really not sure if anyone'd like to keep in touch with me? ;-;) but really.. I don't know. These days I'm mostly on tumblr, but it's really.... strange XD I doubt you'd like to see it. I think I have skype? I don't remember my account right now xD I might post it here later
sighhhh I'm already feeling sad before posting this :| I just want to say TEF has been very important to me, and I won't ever forget about this place and the people I met here, even if we weren't very close, and I hope life is good for all of you.
but ;-; I really don't want to say goodbye, I hope this is more like a "see you later"?
We will miss you , sweet
And your sister too , long time not seen .
Send her Nuzzles from me
The forest and your Friends will still be here if you decide to come by and take a look
Saw you stalking the forum
How are you doing ? I hope everything is allright
Miss you !!
FLY !!
Here I am! 2 years later c: Has it really been 2 years? D:
I'm doing good! I'm feeling great right now actually :'D I have a job! and I'm starting school (yes, again) on August hopefully...
also I have a boyfriend woah when did that happen
I'm sorry I left without explaining much. I was dealing with some mental/anxiety issues back then and sort of decided I needed to take a break from this game (and from the internet in general) and focus more on myself.
I have / had? an anxiety disorder called selective mutism and I've been working on trying to overcome it. I think I've made a lot of progress now c': I'm feeling much much better than 2 years ago. I want to write about my experiences with this, I'm just not sure if I should write about it here or maybe make a separate post about it and make some kind of diary to record my progress c:
I recently got a new laptop 8D so yesterday I suddenly felt the need to try TEF on it and see how it runs.. it's BEAUTIFUL and I cry tears of happiness.
So I think this is me coming back c': at least for now. Maybe I won't be as active as before though, I'll be taking my college entrance exam on June and I need to study, also I'm an adultier adult now and I have to work too XD
so yeah... c': I'm back
Ahhh , good to hear news from
Maybe we can meet in the game soon , i hope .
We have 3 new sets to play with !
My Fly has now the swan pelt (Grey white pelt ) , Luchador mask and still his candles .
Congrats for the job and the Boyfriend
I hope your sisiter is well too , send her hugs from me
Btw , is the mailadress still correct ...i tried to send you a mail but it failed .
Yes c: we should meet each
Ohh yes I knew about the sets! They are really nice, I love the swan set
<3 I'll accept this hug and give it to Wiana
ahh that email address .. I hadn't used it in a long time so it wasn't working properly.. it should work now but I'll switch to this one instead since I use it more: Try sending it to that one ?
oooh I see you~
Yes , saw your picto on the
Thanks for giving me your new mailadress !!
Btw , i have skype too .
Name is "Flyleaftef" if you want to chat there .
Thank you Fly I'll
I'll update this page when I start using it
BOOP (this is a track
(this is a track :B)
We all float down here.
♥ hahahaha, love that little book.
@WingedSnake >u> *boops u
@kiwara YES
Todos flotanThis is my 3rd book by Stephen King c: I think I'm becoming a fan
But OMG This one I was about to drop it because at the beggining I found it boring D: I feel like everything happens too slow ?? But now I'm almost finished and I'm really liking it :'D I get warm fuzzy feelings in certain scenes and I'm :'D?? how do you do this. isn't this supposed to be a scary book
Ahahaha, he's good at making
: D The first one I read was
Though I remember lots of people died D':The other one was Under the Dome and oh man that book gave so much STRESS ahaha and lots of people die too
Actually lots of people die too in Itpeople just die in these books
Haha , i have read stephen
The older ones are the better ones , like "Shining" stunning !
I've heard of that one
I updated my contact info, now I have a skype account, you can add me if you want~ I'm jaehobbit
Slightly changing the topic
Gardening is one of my main hobbies :'D This is my favorite plant and... ok that's an old photo from 3 years ago lol. I haven't been able to get it to grow like that again ); Winter that year wasn't good ;_; and by spring-summer next year it became infested with mealybugs. There was that and also other things.. by the start of this year I decided to try some drastic measures
This is from January 24, this year:
A month later:
And today I got a surprise:
c': First flowers! I'm so happy :'D
It's getting big too
I love lantanas ;u; I love how big they can get
(hi it's me in there)and I love their flowers. They attract a lot of butterfly species and other critters, but since my garden is kind of hidden(?) and not very big it.. doesn't really work D; occasionally a hummingbird or some small butterflies will come to visit tho. Ahhh one day.. one day I'll live in my own house and have a giant garden B( yes sirk im finished i guess
..oh man I need a new camera );
You really have a green hand
Late and after the fact, but
And lovely plant! It's awesome how massive they can get.
Oh my ;w; You seem very
It's the first time I actually connect to the community or meet someone I've actually met in the game oh myyy Q^Q
Oh hellooo Ahh are you one
Ahh are you one of the deer I'm sitting with behind the idol?
Oh really? XD haha welcome to the community
^ Oh I don't know why it
(you are cool please don't kill me)
I am the weird one with flowers on antlers. And.. t-thanks .3.
ahaha it's okay XD (oh pshh
(oh pshh I'm not cool ) oh no no don't worry I won't kill you .u.
Oh nawh you are cool. I am
I'm still figuring out how this page works o~o . (should've done it some time ago tho)
It seems so cool here. And everybody seems so cool here -loser feelings come in-
Hii sorry I left so suddenly
And ohh don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon XD But if you have any questions just ask c: