
Sleepything's picture

pls read
WARNING for Mature Content.
CSS credit to Unpluggled and 11dollarbills. Art is mine unless stated otherwise, original design by krov ! Olaniyi is 100% IC, her views and perspective do not reflect my own however I take full responsibility over her actions as her player. Please contact me on Discord with any inquiries or concerns or roleplay! Sleepything#9670


the Wisp, Vani
cis female, adult, size

Arabic influences and foundation. Infernal origins, muted.
Supernatural; wish-dealer, alchemy, collector of dark, ancient and mysterious magical artifacts.
Black market dealer in the city of Jaohari.
Bound to a single entity, her patron. the All.

Adept at blood and defensive magic, shape-shifting, smoke manipulation and many other spells.
Heavily tattooed with enchanted markings, symbols and art. Radiates dark energy, easily sensed by those that can.

Always on the look out for potential business, highly interested in the arcane, occult, and the cursed.
Can trade wishes, portals, tattoos, magic - she can conjure many things but also has her own resources.

EUsually stressed or over worked.
Ntemporary bio til i fix up her old one.

idk if i'll actually update, just keeping the option here.

Secretive - Soft Spoken - Amiable - Generous - Provocative
Deceptive - Mendacious - Cunning - Ambitious - Pacifist
Amicable - Loving - Passionate - Helpful - Non-discriminatory
Selfish - Vain - Materialistic - Self-critical - High-strung


Lover, best friend, confidant, infatuation.

Ashira, Zaahir, 'Rica', Jahangir

Magically sourced children with Soet but biologically bound to her. Created through the All. Loved unconditionally.

The Osedax offspring

Starless, Sky Sight, 'Lina'/Winter Rose
Fond of the first, reluctance for the Wayward and outright avoidance for the last.


Magically sourced 'son' through the All but considered Gia's offspring. Regarded with fondness and warmth.


The only biological sibling that Devani has kept in her memory. Precious, adored and grateful for beyond words.
- Scilla, Glace: nieces, regarded with care and fondness.


Adopted brother, a best friend. Loved unconditionally.
- Esha, Branka: Aurik's family, considered her own in a way and would do anything for.


Uncertain, many conflicting thoughts and feelings but generally respectful toward.
- Vrasa: Greitai's child, also unsure of but unlikely to cast aside. Looks out for.

On her radar:


Sleepything's picture

move one inch at a time,

move one inch at a time, don't make shit rhyme.
would it be easy to repeat the first line? my mind's not a well
It won't run dry, just keep drinking water and you'll be alright
this is paralysis with no time at all to let go.

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Sleepything's picture

accomplishments are

accomplishments are transient, they pulled me in unremittingly
just lasting this long, i feel relieved to let repetition save me

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
mismatched's picture

-squeezes- ;3;

-squeezes- ;3;
Sleepything's picture

(No subject)

<3 8D

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Kaoori's picture

all this css i can't

all this css i can't
Scythe's picture

Ahhh, probably shouldn't be

Ahhh, probably shouldn't be commenting, but I love this. ;;
Sleepything's picture

you guuuuuuuysss &hearts; ; u

you guuuuuuuysss ♥ ; u ;

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Carry's picture

-makes a spot in the corner

-makes a spot in the corner and gets popcorn-
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

Omg. This is mine. *Tracks

Omg. This is mine. *Tracks all over!!!!!*
Sleepything's picture




adorable art by Tuoho! ♥