This is the world. || PICTURE ADDED ||

Laiia's picture
Under the cut. It don't have any relations with my current characters. This is just an idea about something. I won't tell what exactly, because I'm still unsure. Please, press play.

Darkness. Sounds. Soft music to my ears. No feeling. Nothingness. Where I am ? Nothing. Heartbeat. Alive. Good. Warm. Feeling something. Is it life ? Sun. Opening eyes. Light. Blinding light. What is it ? Blue. Color. Green. Color. Bird. Animals. Bird. Bird. Mouse. Fawn playing around. Butterfly. Dragonfly. Life around me. Everywhere. Life's cycle. So soft. So regular. So beautiful. So alive. Water. Leaf. Soft noises around me... Emptyness, though. I'm lost. Lost. What is it ? What is this absence in myself ? Absence. Absence. What I am ? Good word : absence. Strange word. But good word, yes, yes, good word. I'm looking down. I see myself over the water. I don't speak very well. Limited. Amnesy. Insomny. Amnesiac. Insomniac. Not crazy. Just lost. I never slept for so long. I'm brown. African. African, yes. Some stipes on my checks, on my back, on my neck. Little things under my eyes. White streak on my face. Dark brown streak on my back and on my neck. No antlers. Green eyes. Blur. Don't see very well. I don't know. So lost... So lost... A leaf fell in the water. Makes my reflect becoming strange. Deformed. By the age. How old I am ? Looking at my right. Grass. Looking at my left. Grass. Am I in Africa ? No... No... It was my memory. Blur again. No water. Nothing. Grass, yes, grass. Birch forest ? Big tree near me. Little tree, too. Where am I again ? All was good, in Africa, no ? Maybe it was my imagination. I wanted to stay. So soft. But humans. Humans. Humans. Bad. Wanted to kill me. Don't know why. Looking around me, far away. Deer. Strange deer. Human's face. Human. Human. Human. They should be damned. Is it the paradise ? Where is human, there's no paradise, though... Looking away. A deer. I mean, with a real face. A real deer's face. Good. This world is lost. Is it my home ? Where is the warm ? All is a bit cold, here. Not my home. Not my family. I don't remember my reflect in the water. I don't know anything here. Standing up. I fell. Standing up again. Walking slowly. Trembling. A deer comes near me. Human's face. I run. I run, as far away as possible. I remember. They're bad. Bad. Even their head are on deer's body. Run, run, run. Running. So blur, blur, blur. Looking the ground. No, not the ground. The water. Water. Water is so good. It's missing, in Africa. I jump. I jump. The water is awesome. Jumping, jumping, jumping. So good feeling. Some deer and fawns are looking at me. Laughing. Giggling. They find me funny. Maybe stupid, too. Hello, you ! Hello ! Do you see the water ? It's so good ! I fell. But I laugh. Laughing. Laughing. Then swimming. Swimming in an irregular circle. This is the world. This is the world. Not Africa. But an awesome forest. Without human. Except the hybrids ones. With human's face. And deer's body. But this is the paradise. Or something who's like the paradise. This an endless forest. Is it ? It seems... Never finishing. This is the world. Jump in the water. Jump in the water. Before they kill you...

Because the life is too short for that.

♥ That. Was. Awesome.

♥ That. Was. Awesome.

I really wan' to meet this cute one, please, Laiiaaaa :'x

Laiia's picture

Thank you dear ♥ I

Thank you dear ♥ I need to think about her Smiling

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥

8D *Hugs the litte deer*

8D *Hugs the litte deer* ♥
Hehe, I hope you'll consider this... Cx <3

Laiia's picture

&hearts;&hearts;&hearts; Sei


Seikin will be in the forest today ? 8D I'm actually testing the doe, for the fun, but I will soon put Nat-Nat in C:

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥

~&hearts; Yeah, I'm wokring


Yeah, I'm wokring on his bio a little...
I just have a problem. I have my update page, but I really wan't his thoughts ect. to be on his bio... O.o' Erg advice? What do you check the most, bio or updates?

Laiia's picture

The both... :< But at your

The both... :< But at your place, I'd choose the bio. The updates can be for the bio's link and precisions, no ? :>

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥

You're amazing, Laii &hearts;

You're amazing, Laii ♥

Laiia's picture

PFF &hearts; *hugs*

PFF ♥ *hugs*

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥
