You are too cool. Thanks so much!
Interestingly enough, neither of these is the crazy music I was hearing on the beta~ *is trying to find a way to record it*
Try going around the area where the Twin Gods statues are located~ That's where it's loudest for me 8D It's definitely worth it. I listened to it for a long time before I left.
Man, hearing these makes me miss Abiogenesis festivals! The third one plays at festivals -- Jen collected some music from an Abiogenesis and you can hear it starting around 5:39. The music for this game is just incredible.
I'm really glad you posted the second one, VCG. That's probably my favorite music in the entire game... and I'm glad to be able to listen to it every now and then. It brings back memories of everyone talking about the mysterious Idol music, and then letting my deer sleep by the Idols for a long time, just listening... (:
You are too cool. Thanks so
Interestingly enough, neither of these is the crazy music I was hearing on the beta~ *is trying to find a way to record it*
Oh! I'll go in and have a
I'll go in and have a look.
Try going around the area
AH ♥ These are
These are wonderful. XD Thanks for taking the time to record them!
I've never heard soundtrack 3
Thanks for these, Lottie♥
Oh wow
Where does the third song come from?
The third one is that crazy
Awesome. :>
That latest beat makes me
Thanks for this, Vee. 8]
That third song is EPIC! ...I
...I picture beat-boxing ducks :|
Really? The third one makes
The third one makes me think of Gremlins!
This is really cool. :'D
I love these.
Man, hearing these makes me
I'm really glad you posted the second one, VCG. That's probably my favorite music in the entire game... and I'm glad to be able to listen to it every now and then. It brings back memories of everyone talking about the mysterious Idol music, and then letting my deer sleep by the Idols for a long time, just listening... (:
(No subject)
Oh, I don't recall coming
And, by the way, Number 3 = Inspector Gadget rofl xD
Great tunes <3
These are from TEF? I don't
Thank you so much for this!
OMG! The last one cracks me
Heee. That third toon comes
&hearts I love these
oasidfoaiu *dies* OH MY GOD
These are awesome Lotster!
Youtube definitely needs a
Try this And this for
And this for repeating YT Vids. ^^
Awesome. Thank you.
Ah, I was looking for them,