Rain really is quite interesting
July 26, 2010 - 4:49am — Bastilion
I had not had much chance to experience rainfall in my past life. I was never in the best of health you see. Good days for me were...not quite a rarity, but close.
The pond had a pleasant rhythm created due to the droplets. I found a good spot by a tree to gaze at it from.
I did not expect company, but company I did receive.
An interesting youth that was. He seemed to be...testing my patience. Though I do admit, I started it by spontaneously casting that pelt spell.
Perhaps he is another that cousin of mine is acquainted with. Or even related to a certain doe I had encountered before who had the same confusion. They certainly share the same colors of fur...
I continued my observation of the droplets contacting the pond's surface once he bid farewell.
This was not all I observed, however.
It seems this symbol I share with Cousin will cause confusion for much time. Lady Amary was no exception. Bastilion really needs to admit how he feels about her. I know he has figured it out by now. I can tell. And it is good for him to be with her. He had lessened in seriousness considerably since before I arrived.
She seemed to create some sort of game that involved brushing against every tree in her path. Strange... I am nowhere near as serious as that cousin of mine, but even I could not figure it out.
I soon lost sight of her, and had my interest caught by an energetic fawn that seemed to like splashing in the shallow water.
Our short dance grew at Lady Amary's return, and even escalated to levels of silliness.
I have not had this much fun in a long time...
I believe I saw her attempting to sit atop the giant dandelions that dotted the land as well. I shall have to try that some time...
This mask is quite interesting as well. Like a shield almost...
But I must say, it could use a change of color...

Ah, much better.
*loving that mask*
I colored over a closeup! 8D;
woah, that's awesome,
also, takeshi was cranky because virgil kicked his bum in a spar. |D
|D; Triston was more amused
I just realize the mask should have eye holes. 8D;
... >_>;
^^; What?
Pff, Trist can work with
Also, aww, he's sweet. xD
|D I gave it eyeholes (who
"Sweet"? XD
Yes. :B He is sweet. And also
He is sweet.
And also funny. Poor, poor Bast.
-sage nod-
I meant for him to more
Pff, it's a good thing.
And he's that too!
Ah, that's cool what you did
lol That wasn't a game, I was looking for a pinecone tree because I thought that one deer might have wanted antlers. XD I think all the pinecone trees were turned into dandelions, though.
I would have made another attempt to get Amary on that dandelion, but she got distracted.
She was a bit disappointed when she ran over only to find Triston instead of Bastilion. X3 But it was a good opportunity to get to know him a bit more, since their first encounter was so brief.
I've been wanting to do that
Ohhh, ok. My mind didn't think of that. |D Yea, all the pine trees are dandelions. I did hear something about there being a pine tree that has mushrooms on it, so it never gets transformed, but I've never found it if it exists. 8o
I would've had him go over and look amused at what she doing before trying it himself, but I was typing this. |D If I don't start writing one of these "in the moment" are shortly after, I have less motivation to do so.
I just felt like playing him, especially since he hasn't really gotten to be in rain. =] It is good that they know each other, what with them more than likely becoming family at some point. ;D *kick'd*
I didn't add it in the entry, but at one point he had a thought of, "If she was not so perfect for Bastilion, I would not mind courting her myself." Didn't seem right to have though. |D;;
well she does think he's kind