There seemed to be a small earthquake approaching as I awoke...
June 1, 2010 - 2:22am — Bastilion
I barely had time to stand up before I was overtaken by a violet blur, followed closely by a mass of much darker fur.
Do not think I failed to notice your amusement when Amary and I greeted each other with more than just bows, Darkweaver...
It is a good thing Cousin was not there as well. I would never hear the end of it. And I already hear enough!
It was not long before another flurry hoofbeats could be heard, this set much more sedate than my wake up call had been. Tally I believe, following closely behind a young stag with skeletal markings of gold in dark blue fur. There was something familiar about that one.
And it seemed this young one was doing everything in his power to get on Darkweaver's last nerve. That little red one who suddenly sat in the flower patch was rather confusing as well...copying the skeletal-marked one in moving about Dark's legs like a cat would.
An impromptu staring match began.
But my attention was soon diverted elsewhere, by a stag who came asking for antler spells. I obliged, but Amary took off towards something in the distance. Where, I could not tell.
Before I knew it, Amary was returning...along with a black and white stag I was not sure I had met before...
...and yet, still I could see the staring match of sorts continued. It seemed to have picked up a few followers as well, standing around but gazing upon no one in particular.
A few more deer I am sure I shall not remember, as a few had no name, passed through the area Amary, the fellow introduced as Steele, and I stood. That one soon said his farewells, quickly departing.
But not before being nuzzled by Amary before he disappeared completely.
Just what does that one mean to her?
And why am I so bothered?
Perhaps I shall find out soon, but at that moment we headed back to the contest of wills. It was still going on even now.
...well...if one cannot beat them, then it cannot hurt to join them.
Or so I believe the phrase goes.
Contemplating placing bets,

I believe I have just been turned into a rabbit.
ROFL. ;_;
XDDD Yes, he's been bunny'd.
Yes, he's been bunny'd. XD
Dark finds this amusing, but isn't losing this stare off. XD
And I see your dancing. XD
8] Sadly he is no longer a
Sadly he is no longer a bunny. |D
Funfun. xD
durp, I think Dark won the
I don't think he did, and I
I guess you could say Dark
XD Ok, I kind of went by how
HAY GAIZ sorry if she was
sorry if she was bugging you all LOLOL, stupid eccentric bugger. <3 it was fun watching and playing with you all after and I love Bast's writing. c:
Hehe, that's fine. 83 It was
[edit] I see an Osias by Lagho's grave. o.o
also, yes. Takeshi was being
It did look like Takeshi was
HEY SARIE. 8D Don't worry; Cal was no bother at all. Bast may be serious, but he does have a sense of humor. =B
♥ XD lol don't be
lol don't be jealous, Bast, Steele is just a friend. XD A good friend who had disappeared for a while, so Amary wanted to at least say "hi" while he was there. How was this any different from her nuzzling any of her other male friends? X3 Then again...I'm not sure he's met any besides Darkweaver, Virgil, and the Priest. At least I can't think of any.
The staredown wouldn't stop even with the silliness happening right next to them. Not even when they both got hit with spells. X3 Once Amary realized what was going on, she just thought they were being very silly. |3
Also, Amary thought Bast made an adorable bunny. :3
But the jealousy makes sense
All deer are cuter as bunnies. 8D And I think he enjoyed being one a little too much... *kick'd again*
Though I've never read about
Maybe I'll need to keep a look out.
So many beings... It seems I'm still finding new ones!
I should link all his
Yes, well, she thought he
Triple dog dare you, beb. ;D
@Paz: X] @Serenai: I will
@Serenai: I will when I'm more awake. 8D;
By all means. I'm actually
Pleasantly surprised, of course. <3
Oh, that hour is normal on
xD Well, good night then. c:
Well, good night then. c: