
Took a walk with Voxraati.

Oisín and I went silly.

And so did I with Rowan, Kaoori and Tatata!

This fawn was really nice…

Can’t always hop around can we.

Poking Queeze!

Haha, that was fun.

I had a nice time with this doe too!

Are you going to roll at me?



Hello there Walter!

I was actually born in this spot…
But don’t worry, It has rained since then.

What an evening…
And some chatting:
I feel blergk, actually. The fawns love to keep me up at night. I don’t think I’ve slept properly at night in a while, only the occasional naps during the day.
Now, don’t get me wrong, this is all fun and that, but I think I’ll be glad when I can properly walk again instead of wobble.
Further on, I’m quite tired… I like to thank everyone who has kept me company lately, you’re all angels.. Thank you.
*Tired sigh* I'll do better next time.
Sleepy tiems.
There's still a way to go though...
Short and sweet, nice screenie catches. <333
I always look forward to
Teehee. These are fantastic.
♥ I was expecting
I was expecting more but that's okay. |3
So...it will be soon? I hope I can be there. Take care of yourself, until then.*nuzzles*
VCG: Still quite a long time
Still quite a long time to go! I'll shoot her when she decides to go "sick and boring" for a whole month 8/... XD I know she does her best~
Thank you!
Heehee, sorry for not typing anything worthwhile this time though ^^".. But thanks! That's a great compliment to me <33
<333 Thank you!
So was I ;_; It didn't work out. XD
Depends in the interpetation of "soon".. I hope not tomorrow, that'd be bad! I'll take care of myself, thank you Sheen.. *Nuzzles back*