He is:
Stelmaria, and then Kylar came to visit.
Tried to:
Help Stel out..
Enjoyed time with:
I think the fawn’s name is Tatata? I thought he/she seemed kinda lonely, and so did Stelmaria, so we went to sit with him/her for a while.

Stelmaria wanted to lead me somewhere.


I had to go.

I met Amary too! She’s nice!



And Dajhi! And the surfboard. –I- can remember where it is.

I tried to get them to meet eachother!

And then we went to greet Dad. And then I was Dadclone.

Tatata and Zach!

Groupfun. I escaped later on heheh.

I met Stel’s friend, Ayal.

Uhm. Misako wants to show this picture really badly..

I really like that spot a lot, so I wanted to show it to Stelmaria. We took a nap there.

And then this deer seemed to want to approach..? But they seemed.. Cold too…


Yap. Another I-had-to-go.
And some chatting:
Soo.. According to these pictures I’ve spend a lot of time with Stelmaria. I kinda feel like a freaky stalker sort of person now. Sorry about that hmmm. So anyway, Kylar found me and Stelmaria, whom ofcourse didn’t know him at all. In the end, she got to sniff him anyway, he really did some mess-up action later on though pfff. One way to gain trust, dork! Heheh, just joking. You did well!
So Kylar went, and after a while Stelmaria got really nervous. I tried listening what was the problem, apparently a really big deer that was after her was in the forest.
So he didn’t really attack.. Or anything.. Wonder if I would’ve stand a chance.. He did get quite close at some point… Man, I’m really not as usefull as I try to be.
So when things calmed down we saw this fawn on the playground rock. Just on it’s own. We went to keep it company. That was nice! I really don’t mind just sitting around, shaking birds from my antlers. A lot of birds. (I succeeded here, no birds!)
I think the fawn left at some point, and me and Stelmaria went for a walk in the direction of the pond. I never really walk as calmly as she does, I’m more of a runner, but it’s kinda fun actually. So lately I’ve been doing it more often as well. More fun with two as alone though.
We found Zach! Or Zach found us. He really should stop denying he’s a hyper thing because he is. We also found a tree that ..Spelled us.. Later on I found the bat hiding in the tree. It was Jack, ofcouuurrsseee. Duuuhhh. We tried to catch him. HA. I had to leave later on.
A day went by and I found Amary. Apparantly she was really eager to meet me, she knows dad and all that. She’s quite fun though. We spied on the deer on the shore, did silly games, She stood on my back at some point too. All amazing fun! I’ll have to look out for her. I didn’t know people would actually know me through dad. As in “Hey, you’re Virgil’s son, right?” And I’m like “Yeah I kinda am” “OH I KNOW HIM, HE”S A NICE DUDE.” Yadiyada.
I played with Stelmaria again, and I have a hard time recollecting my memory of that time. I seem to have this one picture yes, but uh. Something went wrong in the progress..
Had been sitting alone one day. When I smelled a quite familiar scent, one I hadn’t thought I would ever smell again. Dajhi! Though..
I wasn’t happy. I’ll be honest. I was really nervous and a bit angry too. After all, you did leave without a goodbye.. Reed was with her immediately, so I figured I’d just stay away. Even if they’d come for me, I walked off. In the end, Reed pretty much dropped her by me and walked off.
That was –akward-. So I had –no- clue what to say. At all.
When she had been gone, I had found the surfboard again and remembered it’s location. So I figured, to break the ice, I lead her to that surfboard. That really worked. We had a lotta fun playing, just like old times!
She once told me I’m like her brother. I think I quite agree with that.
Stelmaria was in the forest as well, and I couldn’t help myself but rush in when I thought she was being bothered.. Dajhi didn’t mind, she had another friend to visit so I heard. Later on, I tried to get Dajhi and Stelmaria to get to know eachother. I thought it would be fun for Stel as well, meeting someone new. Dajhi’s not very dangerous I figured so..
It took quite a while, but we made it. I knew Dajhi wasn’t really the patient type, but she went through and she was great.
We split up at some point, and we went to meet my dad. I have to say, Stelmaria was really brave that day. She greeted both Dajhi and dad. We played about together, I being spelled to look like dad. Dajhi joined us later, too. Also for a lazy session of naps.
A lot of deer suddenly joined in. It started with Reed and Aeis, which automaticly made me leave dad’s side. Aeis came to greet me, I was glad she did.. Anyway, so Stel and I kinda went to the side, and met up with Zach and Tatata, the fawn from the playground. Untill Stel had to leave.
Dajhi and I went to visit another group of deer and played a while with them. We also took our rest at a tree later, when I figured I was tired..
Today, today being the 17th of may, I met Ayal, a friend of Stelmaria. I wasn’t really sure at first, skulls tend to scare me off.. Quite silly huh. But he seemed like a nice guy. He didn’t appreciate me going to play in the pond though, ouch. I teached Stelmaria a trick where you could graze from the grass, and we played with that. Or she already knew the trick, I don’t remember.. Eh, but Ayal seemed not to like that, so we went back to the shore to play with him and some fawns. I got slapped in the face by his antler at some point.
Ayal had left, and I went to show Stelmaria that spot I spoke about. We sat there for a while, falling asleep one after another. I figured I should stay awake so I could keep guard, but it was such a calm day..
Well until that one deer approached. They didn’t seem harmfull, but I didn’t get any sign of them being friendly either. Confusing. They ran off in the end.
So we went silly by the pond again, being awake and all. A deer approached, and Stel had to flee on the twin gods hill until I had been able to distract them. That’s what I usually do, I see no use in trying to “fight them off”. So I greet them and play with them until they A. Get bored of me. Or B. Don’t notice I’ve sneaked off.
We played “Vacuum cleaner” on top of the hill for a while, until I had to go.
I sure rambled a lot today. Whooaaaa.
My screenshots seem to confuse me once in a while.. D8<…Photobucked DIED ON ME. I finished writing this at 1:32 AM. *facedesk*
But it was an entertaining read. <3 Poor Lucian, being smacked across the face by an antler. D8
The Jack-bat part really made me laugh, though. xD
I'm glad Dajhi and Lucian got to see each other again. ^^
Teehee. X3
Rofl sorry about that ;-;
Wish I had pictures of that.. It was amusing.. Luc got so mad at the tree ;_;.. I think he was hiding behind Stelmaria at some point.
I enjoyed reading this. =)
She's so grateful to finally have someone to play with. I can't even remember the last time she felt comfortable
enough to have a good time, but it must have literally been years ago!
Awh he didnt mean to thwack
Fin: Thanks
Thanks <33!
Aw, that makes me smile XDD We hope we can continue to make her feel happy <3 Lucian sure makes me laugh a lot with his stupidity ._. XD
ROFL no it's ok X"D I just noticed the screenshot and it made me laugh. Zombie antlers are so huge!
I also just noticed your rant! I'm not sure if you think this text is too dark to read? I try to pick colours that are readable, but I'm not sure if others can read what I can read!
Neah your text is fine
How come I missed this
Amary had such a great time with Lucian. She wants to see him again some time. Amary doesn't just "know" Virgil, but they are good friends, and Amary has always kind of looked up to him since she was a fawn. So she's been wanting to meet his family, that and of course she always wants to meet everyone.