Confusion [Amary]
May 2, 2010 - 11:06am — Siellby
I haven't written anything in a long time, have I? I guess I haven't really had the chance. So much has happened since the last time!
I was with Kaoori today when this strange deer showed up. Was Kaoori asking him to come over, or taunting him? Or, just what, I don't know. Then Demon, a stag I met the other day, and another I barely know, named Reed, I think, showed up. And they began fighting with the strange deer. It ran, but then it came back, and the same thing happened a few times. I didn't understand what was going on. Kaoori said the strange deer would attack if I went near it. Why would it do that? It seemed the others were chasing it a lot, though. Wesker went after it every time it came near us. Well, he's always really protective of Kaoori. But I can appreciate that. I don't blame him, if what she said is true. I just have a hard time believing it... But, it seems the others had previous experience with the strange deer. Wait, Demon said his name is Keiran? Well, I'm not going to question them. I just wonder if he has another side to him or something... I just can't believe anyone can be all bad, all the time. So far, I haven't met anyone that's proved me wrong.
Well, rather than get in the way, I decided to just stay with Kaoori and Wesker, and...Well, I won't fight, can't anyway even if I wanted to, but I'll try to keep myself between my friends and anyone who tries to hurt them. So, that's what I would have done, if I had to... But things finally calmed down. Kaoori was asleep, and I was falling asleep when I sensed Bastilion. It's always too long, between the times I see him. Even if it's really only a short time, it always seems like too long. So, I was excited, but I didn't want to leave, so at first I called to him, hoping he would come over. But then, there was something odd. It was almost like there were two of him?
So I nuzzled Kaoori and said goodbye to the others, and went to find Bastilion. When I found him, at first I thought I was seeing double. But then I realized one was different, a darker pelt and different antlers. And his face was different, too, but they looked so similar, they could have been brothers. It turns out this was Bastilion's cousin, Triston. I never knew he had a cousin, or any family members, really. I wonder how much I don't know about him? Well, Triston didn't stay long, and so I played with Bastilion for a bit. And then I wanted to check on Kaoori, so I led him over to the playground where she was sitting with Wesker. We sat together for a while, and then Tally and Amadahy showed up...I haven't seen Ama in ages! So we played together for a bit, before they went off in separate directions.
I was starting to get cold from being out in the rain, so me and Bastilion went to sit under the slanted rock in the playground. We stayed there for a long time. It was nice, just sitting there, peacefully, watching the rain. As much as I love playing, sometimes just sitting with a friend is nice. And with Bastilion, it's...well, comforting, I guess, in a way, and I feel nothing else really matters. Like I could just sit there with him forever, and everything bad would...just go away. It seems like I always fall asleep, too, I guess because I just feel so comfortable around him.
I don't know how long I was asleep. When I woke up, there was another stag there. I've never seen him before, but he seemed familiar somehow. He kind of reminded me of Darkweaver for some reason. I'm not sure what it is... But there's just...something about him... I wonder if I'll see him again. Maybe I can figure it out then.
I still have to figure out what it is exactly that I'm feeling, with Bastilion. I mean I have an idea,'s still a bit confusing... I hope I can see him again soon, though.
[Amadahy. ^^] Ama: "You make
Ama: "You make a nice umbrella." She winks.
D'oh, wrong name x.x; I'm
I'm tired. I shouldn't be up.
Naahh, there are so many
Neither should I. >>
I love this.
You should write more often.
Yesyes do write more. I like
Hehe. X] I need to do
*pokes Pega* Do it!
everyone: Thanks!
Agreed! X3 Pegaaaa, you must
.... I'm such a hypocrite, lol. *Needs to write, too*
But I have to write 2 papers.
We'll see. |D
Pega: I only have to write
Just have to research for the other. ;;
BUT YES WRITE. /forceful