She is:
A happy Polt.
Tired more easily.

Kiyoko, and a stag who watched from a distance.

Who’s name is Voxraati, and seems quite nice actually.


And Iendoe!

He tried to act like Walter. Duuhhhh.
Went to parties:

Day of the Dead.

Swing it, fawn!

Whoaaa. There are some things off in this picture. Who’s going to point them out?

Manly fail!

I should be more carefull, but this was so much fun!

More dancelines!
Met up with:

Kiyoko, Spyrre and Virgil.

And Voxraati! I don’t think I recall the fawns their names..

What, what do you mean!? D8<
And some chatting:
Hey guys! A lotta pictures this time but I think the major amount speaks for itself. So I went towards Kiyoko, Virgil was gone that day. I figured she might appreciate some company anyway. And, well, she let me approach. That really made me happy, haha! I tried to show that as well. There was a really big zombie stag in the distance, that seemed to scare Kiyoko a bit. Uh, I went to investigate later on, he seemed quite ok. Amazon joined us later, and so did Esll, until I had to leave.
So the scary stag was actually named Voxraati, and is quite a nice fellow. He seemed to be icey cold though, and not too happy about that himself either. We sat together at my sleeping spot for a while. Mist isn’t really my favourite weather to be alone in, so I’m glad he came over.
I found Oisín that evening! And Iendoe later on, too, so we messed around a bit. Oisín always seems to get spelled into strange outfits haha.It was good to see them both!
So the next day, I found Oisín again, and Rutilus came around too! Silly uncle. There was a lotta dancing and sillyness, and Oisín in weird outfits. So I joined him and together we genderswitched, became twins, became Oisín and Oisíndoe. Later on I went to chillax with VCG deer, after Oisín had left.
And more dancing.
So Virgil had guided Kiyoko out of the birch one day! After everything seemed to be alright, Virgil invited me over. Spyrre was there too. I must admit, it was really great. I saw Voxraati sitting at quite a distance, his scary appearance still not really bringing Kiyoko to trust him. I went over to him to say hello. After a while, I noticed Kiyoko had took a run into the birch again. She really had some courage that day, I didn’t blame her. I’m sure she’ll be fine, one day.
I found Voxraati in the pond later on, and kept him and two fawns company for a bit.
So ehm, phew, that’s for the diary. I’ve noticed the fawns getting heavier inside, so I need to rest a little more often. I’ve also felt their first kicks! I totally jumped the first time, it’s not the most amazing feeling but, it does make me feel at ease. After the “WHOA” that is.
I'm a bit too tired to write much XD...
This is where the Day of the Dead is not so wanted, LIVE DANGIT! D8
Lawl, MSN spammerz. xD
LOL at the last picture.
Also.. Polt is going to be a fine mom. <3
That fawn looks like it's
Wait, Oisín met Rutilus and I didn't even know it? Which one was he?
Awww I love the sleeping
I just finished reading Wudiin's story. He and Polt a quite amazing <3
Rutilus is the one
Oh! I thought it was Taliene.
I thought it was Taliene. X3