Hung out with:


Oisín, Scape and Seed.
Felt a little better because of:


Kaoori, and this other nice doe.


More Oisín!
Confusion got caused by:

Haha. We all like to see things that aren’t there.
Funny events:

Something’s totally wack in this picture.

Spontanious Deerpile
And some chatting:
Hmm. Has been a while.
The last few weeks have certainly been a hard and confusing time for me. None of that shows in the pictures here, I realize that. I tend to make pictures of things that make me happy, the sad stuff I try to leave out. I’ll just start out with the happy stuff.
So I know Laurette, she’s a pretty doe, but I actually never play with her. I’m not really sure what caused our sudden outburst of silly matters, but we sure had fun. I’d like to thank her for that, too! She’s a nice silly thing.
Oh and yeah, Oisín introduced me to Seed the other day. I’ve met Scape before, only shortly though. Seed left us pretty quickly, if I remember right, and we went on to the red hill to play on the slope. Oisín was first curious about Virgil’s clone, but he disappeared soon. We did deer-croppings in the side of the hill, and stacking of deer. It was after a while that Scape decided to leave us alone. I really hope he doesn’t think of us as annoying or something.. Or, well, me. I’ll see him again I guess. Oisín was a real sweety that day, although he seemed to have one of his fainting problems again.
I sat on red hill, alone, for a very long time, until Kaoori came to join me and sit with me. Later on, another doe sat down with us, and we’ve been sitting there for quite some time, until I had to go. I actually really like those moments. I don’t need to run around and be silly all the time, I guess. Deer who keep me company get just as much respect.
I played with Corvus the next day, although I wasn’t feeling a 100%. I was still glad to have seen him. Corvus doesn’t understand much of what I go through, but he doesn’t really judge either. He’s just my friend and we support eachother. I’m a little scared how he’ll respond if I’d ever get a fawn, he seems to dislike them. Though don’t worry Corvus, nothing looks like I ever will.
A few days ago, I met Oisín again. I was glad to see him. At that point, my anger had mostly settled down, but I knew anything could flare it up again. What I was so angry about? I’ll be on to that later. Well, anyway, I asked him to follow me towards Virgil and Dag, who seemed in company. As I saw the white pelt from the distance, I stopped walking. Virgil stood up and asked me to come towards them. He led Dag away from the white deer, like he wanted me to be alone with the guy. I went up to him, and soon found out what the fuss was about. It was a deer dressed like Wudiin. I laughed.
The poor guy must’ve felt odd, two strange stags following him around. I turned to both of them to tell them it was certainly not who they had been hoping it to be.
You know. It made me realize.
We just all want to see what we would like to see. We don’t actually see much of the truth. Truth is, Wudiin is gone. He is not coming back. The stag that has payed visits, is not the actual Wudiin. It’s more like a shadow. I know he’s watching over us, but he’s not-coming-back. I stopped waiting a while ago, but I was angry because of it. Now, I just realize there’s nothing to be angry about.
So alright, the silly antics continued. I played spell-tag with Oisín, while the others were lazily sitting about. We ran around like fools! But I sure won. Ha. One time, he coughed his spell off, went back to face me, and then I casted another mask on his face. I also removed it atleast twice! Nah. I don’t think there’s winning in that game, but it certainly had me amused.
I guess that’s what I have to tell.
You know, I’m a jealous doe. A lot of does seem to be pregnant lately, kinda adorable. Since I was a young doe, I’ve always wanted a family. Yeah, yeah, I know, repeat repeat. I just wanted to explain why I feel so envious. I’m sure it’ll pass!
It was a very weird moment
I don't really have much to say that hasn't already been said, I always love these entrys you make of your deer, it's so much fun to see what goes on in their life. <3
And Polt is awesome, don't deny it!
BawPolt 8
d'aww Polt.;_;
That shot of Polt and Oisin
I didn't understand what the deal was with that white stag. He didn't seem out-of-the-ordinary to me. It's a bit more clear to me now. I gather this one called Wudiin was very important to you...
*hugs Polt?* Sorry to hear
Sorry to hear she's been feeling a little less than her best lately. I hope she feels better soon. C:
Also, another amazing entry~! I love the one of the floating deer. XD;
And what's with that Wudiin clone? Hmm~ :/
VCG: Well then, you should
Well then, you should make diary entry's too. *Points finger at*
Nah jk XDD Thank you though <3 Polt's not awesome. Sorry. I denied it again D8<
? She's quite alright XD
D8"? She'll be ok! XDD
Isn't it XDD I kinda liked it.
You're right, he wasn't out-of-the-ordinary! Strange thing is, his pelt only looked white to us. I'm actually sure it wasn't.
Yeah, he was. Won't deny he still is! I really need to tell you about him one day, don't I?
*Hugs back*
Ooh she is feeling better at the moment~! We just had a disagreement. I've got plans for her, as well. We'll see where we'll end up.
Rofl floating deer everywhere XDD Everyone just started floating.
Oh, I think it was a glitch, the deer itself apparantly wasn't even wearing the devoutpelt XDD It just showed like that to everyone's screen. It was kinda amusing though, in a really scary way.
Scape just thought those two