She is:
Has been confronted with:

The collector. I kinda fled.

My mirror-image.
Has been with:

This sweet fawn. We played around for quite a while.

There was also another sweet fawn who lay down beside me.

Corvus… I guess..

Iendoe! I was glad to see her.
Had a laugh with:

Also spend time with:

Oisín! And his mother, who I’ll call Zerg.

Walter kept me company. I wasn’t sure if I should wake up.

Virgil joined us later!

And Walter became Walterwoman.
And some chatting:
I’ve been feeling so sick past few days. I’ve also been confronted with something new: fainting. It was odd, gave me quite the headache as well. Nothing I want to experience again.
One day, I fainted on this hill. Quite close to my usual sleeping spot. When I came to my senses, I felt another presence around me. Twas him again. So I kept my eyes shut, even when he roared. He changed my mask, and went off to get another mask spell. At that point, I stood up and ran off. No confrontations for me anymore.
I went to the pond for a drink, and stared into my reflection for some mere seconds. I realized I hadn’t looked quite this bad for some time. I am normally not this sick, it was starteling. I went back to the sunny spot I quite enjoy sitting in.
At some point.. No, I shouldn’t talk like an idiot. Though, I do have to confess I felt a presence around me. It doesn’t matter. I felt better, that’s all.
Some fawns have been keeping me company as of lately, and this certain one was too adorable. I wish I would meet youngling like this more often. Just like with Iendoe, I love watching them grow up.
Corvus. He’s my best friend, you know. We’ve been together since childhood. He’s quite different from the other deer. This time, he had some troubles with his sister. He wouldn’t really talk to me at all, though. No, I’ll define: completely ignored me. He was totally confused. I tried to protect him, to no avail. When his sister stood up and went up to him, all his attention went to her so I went off. That day.. It was too much for me. I collapsed on the ground and stayed down for quite some time.. Or I guess so, since when I woke up, everyone was gone. I was exhausted.
I thought I was doing better, but after that I felt ever worse. I got to the sunny spot, and after some hours of rest, Iendoe found me. I was happy to see her! I felt new energy brew inside me, so I got up and went to play with her instead of thinking of how sick I was.
VCG, disguised with Virgil’s picto, came up to us to try and bring the emo-herd up again. I didn’t feel like it was the time for that atm, so I evaded it. Hahah. When VCG noticed we didn’t follow her, she went back and danced with us. Like she should. We also tried simultaneous head-tilting, but apparently four deer is one too many to get all of them at the same time!
After a while of messing about with VCG, I noticed Iendoe had wandered off. I said goodbye to VCG, and went after the doe. She was apparently sit-sliding, to my amusement. I’ve been trying to explain her how to do it and still be able to make turns, but to no avail haha. It’s alright though. While running through the birch, we accidentally stumbled upon De Drinkplaats and lost our sets. Didn’t matter, we had fun messing around as animals as well!
The next day I met Oisín again. I was at the pond, taking a drink, being all drowsy. I noticed a crowd on the other side of the pond, but didn’t think much of it. Oisín then must’ve noticed me, and came up to me, bringing his mother along. I thought Poltergeist was a hard name, but I’m glad I can call her Zerg instead. We played around some time, spying upon Virgil and Silence as they were behaving strangely again. Zerg left after a while, and I got turned into a raven.
Oisín seemed to have trouble staying awake. Collapsing quite some time. And then, he didn’t come back again. I waited a little, but went to sleep myself as well.
Again, a new morning through which I slept. Someone had curled himself next to me, and it wasn’t hard for me to recognize whom it was. But I kept quiet. He was going through a hard time, so I figured. Later, we both woke up, and Walter did seem quite cheerfull! Me and Virgil helped him become Walterwoman. Quite disturbing, if I must say. (She is pretty though.)
We played. When Virgil and Walterwoman wandered off, I figured I wasn’t really necessary anymore, and went back to my sleeping spot.
I feel better now. Though thoughts have been haunting me, making me lose sleep.. I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it in a public diary though..
Awww Polt please don't ever
Also, the forth deer with you, Iendoe and I was Jester. :3 Zebbie's deer.
Hope Polt feels well again real soon! *Sends luff and nuzzles*
These entries are always wonderful to read. <3
Oh my gosh fabulous screenie
...*Ahem*. Either way, I had a great time, and my deer Jester (who I'm sure you've guessed is the fourth headtilting deer with the DOTD mask and such) did too! :3 It was great to meet Polt in the forest (VCG has mentioned a lot about her to me in her introductions to TEF) and she seems quite the epic deer to behold, tee hee! :3 Thankies for the awesome time, and I'm Zebbie, by the way-pleased to meet you, and hope to see you around sometime, eee~! ♥
edit: Lottie beat me to all that D: Either way, I hafta go read more of Polt's diaries, this seems so interesting and nifty! :3 Hoping Polt is feeling fabulous soon too, eee!
c8 T'was great to hang out
*just woke up and can't think of more to say*
Btw, awesome diary! I hope Polt gets well soon.
*stabs computer* I had to
lol Oisin's getting attacked by crows X3 It's like a Hitchcock movie!
"Heh, many find my mother's name difficult to pronounce. Yours is much simpler. Ah, I do hope you are well. I wish I could see you more often..."
VCG: Aww
Aww <3 Yeah, she and I were both getting tired, so it seemed like the perfect time to sneak off again. D8'XD
Jester huh. I recognised his set from some fanart Narina made of him, I believe~ I didn't know to whom he belonged there yet XDD NOW I DO. Ah, I'm sure she will, she's getting better each day she sees one of her friends again <3
The closest I could get to a simultanious one! XDD I always think it's fun how those things start up. "I don't get it" "I don't get you" "What?" "Alright, ALL TOGETHER NOW!" So, the record says 4 now. LET'S DO MASSIVE HEADTILTGROUPS.
Jester is a really happy fun deer to be around <3 Always makes meh smile to meet such deer. Though his mask does scare Polt a little.(Lol. She just needs to get over it~) And really? Is VCG gossiping behind my back again? *Gets out allround baseball bat D<'... Nahjk D8'' She's eh not really much different from other deer though. (I'd even say she's boring.)
Fabulous X"D I never thought bout using that word in such a context. I'm sure she will though! *Gives her a feathery boa*
Rofl, she had fun as well XD Though I'm sure I've met your deer before.. Wouldn't know if it was Polt or not, though. Oh, it must've been Gehirn.. *Confused*
Thank you~
Yeah I heard you had those problems before, frankly I wasn't suprised but it was a shame D8 OHWELL XD it was eh, 2AM for me at that time. I figured either you have to get up really early, or I have to stay up really late for em to meet. Argk! XDD CROW, CROW. CROOOWWW. That was so random, Polt being cast into a raven D8'XD
It is? I thought mine was quite hard as well.. Hmm. Not a lot of people get it right the first time, heheh. Oh, I'm well. I need to try and drink more, such stuff, to get back on my feet. Aww, haha, yeah that would be nice. I always have a lotta fun with you! I'll try my best.
I don't know what the deal
Actually it was around 8 pm for me. That was my normal time, or at least it used to be. I've been getting on a bit later than that...er...lately. Normally when they're together, I'm on in the afternoon. It's just that I'm usually doing other things during that time.
Pfffttt....Crows, ravens, same diff. <.<; There aren't any ravens where I live, but there are plenty of crows, so when I see a large, black bird, I just kind of automatically think "crow" (even though ravens are a lot bigger).
I was glad to see Polt again!