She is:

Been sleeping on my usual spot all day. This fawn joined me quite some time, I did see you there!
Has been with:

Rutilus was in my company for a few moments. He left soon.

I played with Kaoori and this raven! We had quite some fun.
Has had a laugh with:

Thee emo heeerddd. Tamtamtaammmm.

You know, you doze off for a bit and they go fangirl on your behind.
Has also been with:

Oisín! We had some misunderstanding with this stag.

And we found Yori. There’s a lotta stuff wrong in this picture.


Corvus! We look like carousel deer.

Spend time with Virgil.

Vala and this cute little fawn!

It was raining. This fawn kept me company for a very long time.

I found out my back is kinda warm.
And some chatting:
Been a while since I’ve written anything, sorry. It’s sometimes hard to keep up with I guess! The other day, Rutilus came in my company for a bit. He’s my uncle, you see. Well, sort of, I still haven’t figured out the exact relationship he shares with my mother. But he’s alright, teached me how to spar and such when I was a kid. An awfull flirt though. Whenever he’s upset, he seems to hide it from others. I kinda felt some sadness when he was around too, but what should I say or do?
Oh, and ofcourse that raven and Kaoori. That was fun! We chased the poor thing around quite a bit heheh. Kaoori’s a sweet doe, that I can’t deny. I really should try and meet deer I don’t know well yet more often. But pfft, lately I’ve been dozing off too much. Kaoori is expecting a child, so I heard. I wish them all the luck and health!
The emo-herd was so amusing. I saw a group of deer, went up to them, and all of a sudden I got emo’d at! After a while, I got the idea, and joined the group in suprising other deer. Oh, the different responses we got! Some people joined in, others ran off, more got scared. Well, I’d be!
I found Oisín again, and we played around a bit. We encountered this stag, I’m not sure if his name, nor am I sure if it was the stag I’m thinking about. He confused me and Oisín a bit, acting aggressive. Since Oisín seemed startled, I couldn’t help but jump in front. Only later I rethought my actions. I guess a guy might get kinda akward when a girl jumps up to protect him. Don’t worry Oisín, next time I’ll leave you and your manliness to the task! Heheh. And then Yori came up to us. Or did we come up to him. I don’t remember. I’ve known Yori for some time, but only recently we got a proper encounter. We were both trying to eh, interfere with some deer. We just kinda shared the same opinion, so it was a good experience after all. I got a friend out of it, it seems! Now I need to try and keep that bound huh. Instead of SLEEPING.
I hadn’t seen Corvus in a while, so it was fun playing with him again. We kinda don’t need to talk to understand eachother, which is great. We have some silent understanding. Which got us in perfect sync to this jumping action! But it also looks like we’ve been playing too much with the glue.
Maybe we have.
Later that day, I spend some time with Virgil. Virgil and I sometimes goof off, and sometimes we contemplate life on the red hill. The place is special to us both, but for different reasons, so he said. That’s kinda true, but in a way, our reasons are exactly the same. Whatever it is, I like to be there in his company.
Pff those second-generation names are so hard for me to remember! But I have been meeting some nice young fawns who carry them. I’d love to keep an eye on them and see them grow up.
Today, as I said, I slept pretty much all the time. I did hear you though, little Ellen. I am sorry for not waking up.. I’m feeling quite weak as of lately. I guess I caught a cold. It’ll pass.
I love reading her entrys so much, hope she gets well soon though!
"Hm, I hoped that you
I really hope she'll be fine soon.<3
Pointless comment is pointless. -poofs-
VCG: Yaaay! And glad you do
And glad you do XDD
"It's alright, I understand what you mean. You're welcome to curl around me anytime! I was just worried I'd be boring, but glad that wasn't the case!"
She will <3 Thanks. Oh, and it's never pointless! D8<
I've only seen you a few
The stag that was acting
He blushes a bit. "It is not
Funny how Polt and Kaoori look almost the same. X3
In that shot where Oisin is standing off in the distance...I'm wondering what the heck he was doing. X3
@Fincayra: I'm wondering why that clone was there, if you didn't do it on purpose. Oisin had gone over to investigate, having noticed two of the same pictogram. I thought it seemed like they were both being controlled by one person, but it was hard to tell. Then one of them just suddenly went after Oisin for some reason. A bit later, it was acting more friendly, unless that was you? Very strange... I don't know how that could happen. It could have been a glitch, but then it seems odd that others would see the same thing. Unless someone else logged onto your account... o-o;
Good to see you again, Polt.
But anyway.
Give your mum my love, if you see her. I know she hasn't been...the way you'd want her to be, but she does love you. She's just a bit...mental.
uncle (kind of) Rut~ <3