She is:
Pretty positive
Cold. It's snowing.
Has been witnessing:

A stare contest.
Has met:

Well, this fine group of deer.

And Oisín! We had quite some fun.

Poor guy. I turned him naked.

And some cute fawns. Again. Geeh
Has just:

Found out it's snowing!

Silence came by. That's.. Yeah, that's his name.

Trees decided we should dress as real-deer. Since it's christmas and all. Or is that tomorrow?

And I watched a preformance by the twins!
And some chatting:
That stare contest was quite funny. I've never seen deer do that, actually. Virgil was doing really well, in my opinion! A little fawn tried to distract him, so I eh. Gave him a hand. Different story though! Later, I met Virgil again. Doe-ified. How amusing! Not even I like walking around looking girlish like that. Just occasionally. Eh. Anyway, I got introduced to Tally there. I've only watched her from a distance, I guess shyness. She turned out a lot more friendly as I had expected! I also met the other deer in the circle, ofcourse. But I hadn't heard of them before. Pf, I feel slow.
And then, I think yesterday, Oisín found me again. We hadn't seen eachother for quite a while! After we greeted, we had a moment of "..Alright, what next?" Quickly solved, though. I went for a drink, and got introduced to those dragonflies. Small critters they are, but I wouldn't know how to talk to them! Later, I went to walk on the pond. And Oisín fell in! I felt quilty, so I jumped in myself as well. We turned into fawns together, and played on. That was fun, I love being a fawn. They get forgiven for their mistakes quite easier.
I had to leave though. And today, it seems to be snowing in the forest! My fur isn't all that long, but hiding underneath the mushrooms works quite well. Walter teached me such things. I haven't seen him in a while either.. This weather just reminds me of that day we met. From the corner of my eye, I saw another deer approaching. So I stood up to greet him or her. I recognised him, it was that deer from last time. Silent, the mushroom fanatic. Honest, when I woke up and saw those huge mushrooms, it did make me think of him. He seemed a bit sad. Almost apologising. I told him it's ok. If he was apologising for what I thought it was, he shouldn't be sorry.
Trees woke up, and we turned ourself into "real stags". She made me do it, really. Another stag joined us, who seemed persistant in me changing my pelt to the same as theirs. But I liked my own better, sorry. I did go to help the twins out with their costumes, and went to see their preformance. They're really cool, yknow. But I can't dance as well as they can.
I wonder what today brings. I'm excited for some reason. And cold. Pardon me if I try to cuddle up to you.
Hmm. Some screenshots got lost because of the TGA-saving. I re-saved all my preference files so that should be solved now D8"...
Ohhh, that sounds really
Why the heck should they bother anyone?
I wanna write diary entries
I think I'll do a diary thing
And I hope Sambreel could cheer up Polt better, but she's a little socially awkward. XD;
Trackkkkkkkkk! Oh now these
Oh now these are awesome updates, I will be so happy to read all about the life of dear Polt, she's awesome, and you're awesome and just fdv86ylg <3
Aww, Flyra had such fun with
(Sorry Flyra reacted slow when Polt came up, my silleh computer made everything froze when I made her stand up. 8/)
That "she's a sweetheart" and "good relationships with the girlfriends-of-stags-I-had-a-crush-on-when-I-was-younger" phrases made me smile, eh. <33 ;D
And, remember: editing your blogs won't bump them to the first page anymore! And I bet many others besides me will be / are interested in your deer's writings. :B <3
P.S- ...try to ignore
P.S- ...try to ignore Silence when he does that, haha. XD; *smacks em' for being rude*
Looks like I'll have to send
this was beautiful! Don't
Kaoori and Polt only met once.. but Kaoori really liked her. She feels bad for Polt, she knows how much she must miss Wudiin. Especially now that she has someone she cares about so much.
Awww , I hope everything come
I think I'll reply to the
Eh. I don't know, they're updates X"D
And pft, ofcourse Polt'd recognise her. Glad I made you smile too XDD Yeah yeah, well, thanks, sorry to all those who don't like em D8""...
I remember Basts entry's! I had fun reading them, you should start em up again D8<
Well I like mystery for that matter. Nah, I know what you mean XD Ofcourse I don't mind! And Sambreel always does a great job on cheering her up
Thanks dear. Don't go DIOJWOIQD on me now, you D8<
Aw <3 Pff, I think Silence quite adorable. Polt's just a.. Wussy. Yeah. A wussy.
I know.. I do know. I shouldn't be so jealous. I'm sorry. I'll smile for you!
Tracking always sounds like I'm getting run over by a truck D8
And guess what you did! *Lame late replyness yes*
Ohyeah. I said I'd save them.. *Facepalms self* Now I erased the first one accidentally. EEEH. Sorry XD
Kaoori's a sweatheart herself~ She and Polt should have a proper introduction once. Shykid needs to try harder XD
Ah, I'm sure of that. She has her moments <3
"You needn't have felt
Sorry I didn't read this
She was fun. :3