I remember...

Her's picture
...I remember talking to Pega. It mainly consisted of Middle Eastern cuisine (stuffed grape leaves and lamb, Turkish coffee, JAFKLDS<3) but I miss that.

I remember when Her was what I considered to be an ass. Looking back on it, she had a really hard life and if I ever am tempted enough to write a novel, it will be about Her, indirectly. She's interesting and I mourn the fact that I ever considered killing her. I'd forgotten when she ran away to Egypt with Key after faking her death as "Oren". I still apologize for hurting people with all she's done, but I consider her amazing now. She's still me; I signed up as Her for TEF and she's me. I hope that never dies; please never stop calling me Her. <3

I remember when I was obsessed with Hetalia to the point of making deer for the characters and driving people mad with my rants about it. Despite the huge laughs and bonding from it I've toned that down and I still love who I am. <3

I remember Lamb and Ri. I still remember Lamb and Ri.

I remember Nem and Piano; she wanted to eat a picture of cinnamon rolls I had as a header for one of my characters on my updates. God, I remember them. I miss them, too. Unexplainable absences like theirs make me space off.

I remember iScribble being my main source of IMing. Jen, Trinket, Fayne, Pega, Kaicow, myself, Raku, Raz, Dannii, Sarie--everyone all at once in one room, that was just ... I remember it. I miss it, too. Haven't touched iScribble in a LONG time..

I remember Poepourri, Verrii, Wait, and Porcelain.

I remember having Fayne as my best friend. We split because Key and Tuna did and I still can't explain that. As I see it, we made up and started over, but I haven't seen or talked to her in what feels like years. I miss it.

I remember being the leader of starting the werewolf colony. Considering the fact that I'm wanting to place Sprite in the shadows for a while because of her being overall uninteresting, I'm shyly wondering if bringing Raoul back in her place would make for an awkward switch or attempt at re-befriending those that were part of that clan. I always said I'd make a separate web page for them..

I remember having a Pirates of the Caribbean and Sweeney Todd HILARIOUS image-editing/captioning duel on the forums in one of the random threads. I miss you, Kaicow.

I remember SS/RD.

I remember having my arms torn in two different directions by two different people uncountable times throughout my TEF history. The rough roads made for the smooth one I now walk, however, and I am awkwardly thankful for those brawls. I still love you, Raz. I remember being hot with you, Jen. I remember DragonEyes. I doubt she believes I still love her, too.

I remember hating my art. The fact that I recall myself disliking what I love to do means that I've finally stepped to the plate of beginning to enjoy what I consider to be sketches. Go, self, go!

I remember Ephra using an emote for the first time.

I remember Pepokeen and Halogen. Haloghost comes to mind, too. They vanished just as much as Nem and Piano did.

I remember when I used to write.

I remember Fincayra and Esll. I still miss you guys to death and wonder... <3 Esll, where'd you go..?

I remember getting my first piece of art from Quamar.

I remember Run.

I remember making pixel deer for the forum member's icons way back when.

I love you guys.
Aegle's picture

Her, your fucking amazing.

Her, your fucking amazing. <3 Don't ever change doll. I love ya to death.
Kanaf's picture

Bwaaaa Her, I love you so

Bwaaaa Her, I love you so much, you know. I remember a lot of this stuff too, but... not all of it. I was never as popular as you and I wasn't here NEARLY as long as you have been. Which kinda feels weird to me that someone who's been here a whole year before me would be such good friends with me. It's... odd, but I like it.

Okay I just watched two movies in a row, that's why I'm talking like I'm reading from a script LOL

But... yeah. I dunno XD
Her's picture

@ AEGLE : ilu too D>

@ AEGLE : ilu too D> <3
@ RAKU : I was thinking about that, too. It's odd how I cannot remember a time when we WEREN'T friends despite me being here possibly a whole year before you. Even then, I can't remember when we started talking or how we even came to where we are; it feels like you've always been there, and that's the magic of it, I guess~ I love you. <3
Pegasicorn's picture

(No subject)

<3 =]
First screenshots I ever posted.

Fincayra is somewhat back actually. I've seen Esll and Stelmaria in the Forest on occasion recently, and Fincayra posts on here now and then recently too.
Pep and Hal I randomly see on iScribble, which I'll admit I need to go on more often too. I still prefer it to IM'ing programs.
There needs to be more epic iScribble group moments.

I love you.

I love you.

I don't know you that well,

I don't know you that well, m'dear, but from what I've seen and heard, you're a very kindly person. And you're right, the harder our lives, the easier the path in the end. ;3
Verycrazygirl's picture

What beautiful memories...

What beautiful memories... Smiling

This thread was really touching, and nice to read. <3


Verdalas's picture

I remember when Her was a

I remember when Her was a sexy beast-.. Oh wait.

You is still sexy beast, girlfriend! <3 SEXY BEAST IS SO OH GOOD. <3
Tuhka's picture

I remember this ...You can

I remember this

...You can just ignore the farting fawn behind them....... uh. :'D

Uoah, and I remember your pixel deer on the forums. They were pure epic. //
And the random times I logged in iScribble and laughed my head off. // And my scribbling moments with Pepokeen. // And SS driving me crazy and making me want to leave tef. x'D //
And having weird amount of does running after Quam in hopes to be mates with him. // And me accepting requests. // And actually laughing out loud for the stuff me and Nem did in the forest and finding out new funny glitches. // And having Quamar as my only deer. // And Quamar having his biggest heartbreak in history [:'D]. // The first time playing with Sluggs = also the first time playing hide and seek in the forest. // And Run. // I remember Quamar following Walter [back then known as Demon Gazelle] and his "herd" around. I was happy to feel part of something. // I remember guarding the old bridge with Dim and messing around with her too <3 // I remember the times when the community site didn't exist. // I remember the huge fight on the forums which caused the forums getting shut down for a while. <'D // I remember you all awesome guys and the small little community we formed that felt like a family. <3
Fledermaus's picture

I feel like I don't talk to

I feel like I don't talk to you nearly enough :<
THAT BEING SAID I think you are an amazing person. C: And this post is what we need more of. <3

You made my morning Her, this

You made my morning Her, this blog is amazing <3
Her's picture

@ PEGA : AHA~ Her's old set!

@ PEGA : AHA~ Her's old set! <:'D aw! I can't remember if it was you or not, but somebody was curious about Her's water-walking in a screenshot journal. /random vague memory THAT REMINDS ME OF HOW HER USED TO HAVE AN INFOREST BLOG, TOO. Woah, everyone used to have one... LOL.
Really?? You've seen Fincayra..? I need to go searching then and pop in the game more then -sob-


@ DANNII : I love you, too~ <3

^ fjdkls

@ CRIMSONGALE : Uwaa! D8 it's nice to hear from a stranger that I seem kind--jkfds ///// thankyousomuch
@ VCG : -HUG-
@ VERDY : ADSGJK I LAUGHED AT YOUR COMMENT. <33 I REMEMBER YOU SO HARD, all our FF: Advent Children moments >D You drew stick-people Reno and Rude on iScribble and I think we egg'd Rude's head. And klfdkg OHGOOD ;^; I miss/love you~ YOU'RE STILL SEXY TOO, GURL. -CHESTPUFF-

@ QUAMMY : I laughed so outright at that farting fawn BHFBDSG MUSHROOM FAWN. I remember that, too~! That's my favorite memory of you =A= <3 The first time Her met Quamar was there. I remember feeling AWSUM for having found Mr. Popular Quam~~

@ FLED : WAA I USED TO HAVE YOU ON MSN DIDN'T I but then I changed accounts -DESK- oh well we will fix this problem via the community site <|D !! I love youuu~ I remember your Podcast thing and updating my blog to make you lol jfklds
@ TERABETHA : Thank you so much! '__' <333
- - - - - -

Pegasicorn's picture

I remember those screenshots.

Laughing out loud I remember those screenshots. XD
And then they collide.

Oh, and..

8] The caption for that being, "...uh? Her, how're you doing that? Shocked "

Oh heck, I'll just link my old Antics thread, since it's where I'm pulling this from. |D
Lots of Her in the first post.
Verdalas's picture

*grabby hands at vinvent

*grabby hands at vinvent drawing and banana cid*

me wanties the memoriiesss..
Naryae's picture

I remember the first time

I remember the first time Sqish met Her. He was playing as a fawn, and he spent an hour trying to help Her get a set she liked <3

This made me cry, reading this. There are way too many names of missing people listed. But Esll is still alive, Fincayra gets on every now and then.
bubblywums's picture

I admit I chuckled when I

I admit I chuckled when I read "I remember being hot with you, Jen." because it sounds so inappropriate. Laughing out loud Everything happens for a reason, at least that's what I believe. Even the tension and the not so pleasant things. They help us grow, if we let them.

I remember being good friends with you and the iScribble crew, I do miss it. So much. I have countless screenshots of us playing together back when Her was dressed in her butterfly pelt and beluga mask. I've never forgotten. And I do think about it when I see you around here and how distant I've become with a lot of people and it makes me sad.

I really do love you Her, just as I love the wonderful people here that have been with me for what seems like forever.
Fincayra's picture

;___; ... I'm still here,

;___; ... I'm still here, Her. As much as I am dismayed by some of the changes, I can really never leave this community.

I remember when Esll first met Her... he thought she was the coolest deer in the Forest. He felt flattered that she seemed interested in friendship, and he was honored to have been her mate once. I still love looking through all the old screenshots I have of the good days. This was one of the first encounters Esll had with Her. Look at little Scape! 8D

I remember the private wedding they had. It was hard getting the devout pelts to stay on long enough.

I also remember so many things... like when Cyric was still around. Cyric's mysterious, solitary behavior absolutely fascinated Esll. He would get as close to Cyric as possible just to watch him from a distance. I remember when Stella met Walter... I don't know how on earth the shyest little fawn befriended the grumpiest stag in the Forest, but it happened somehow. I remember when Esll fell in love with Quamar's old mate, Anapethia. Boy, was he naive then! I remember the big fight he had with scary skull-headed, skeleton-pelted, gazelle-antlered Walter over it. Of course I remember Piano... and Nem, and Trois, and even Halogen. I remember Pepokeen, too. He was such an interesting little fawn! I don't think any of us knew who he was for a while. I remember Sluggs, one of Esll's best deer friends, and the creepy glitches he performed right before the eyes! I remember Tabitha, Esll's best friend-who-is-a-doe. I remember the entertaining Simon Says games we held at the ruins. I remember Walter's Retirement. I remember RD/SS and how I tried to put up with her, but in the end she always got me upset and I had to leave the game.

And I remember Run...
My fondest memories are of when Sluggs and Run were together. It was the day when Esll took a liking to Anapethia. The four of us had ourselves a double date. We sat down together, fell asleep by each other, danced, took a walk. It was very peaceful. And then there was the time when SS kept bothering Sluggs and Run while they were trying to sit together. Esll did everything he could to chase SS away from them. It was a long, exhausting job, but in the end Esll prevailed! Run stood up and bowed, then nuzzled him continuously. <3

I remember when she passed away, everything stood still. The drama that had plagued the forums simply faded away... and during that time any disputes, arguments, and grudges we might have had against one another for a petty reason dissolved in an instant as we all clung to each other as one supportive community. In the years I have played this game, I have never witnessed such a loving connection between members than the memorial.

Serenai's picture

I haven't even been here for

I haven't even been here for two months, nor do I even know you, but I really liked reading that. :3
Icon Art © Beloved
Her's picture


@ PEGA : AFJKLDS YEAH THAT SCREENSHOT! ohmygods -clicks link and flips-
@ VERDY : -lapsit-
@ SQISH : YOU. I am glad you remember and that I remember you '^' missus Sqish-in-whom-people-never-spelled-right LOL<3 -gives tissue- ;v; I didn't mean to make you cry but jkflds ilu~
@ JEN : fjkdls I love you, too >^< <3 I can't tell you how just... generally fitting and nice it is to have you back. I do remember you're leaving, yes. ;___; It was awkward when you took a break and I know people agreed with me; we love the order you gave and still give to the site.
@ FINNY : YOUUU ;///; -HUG!- Thank you so much for that comment! I don't know WHY ON EARTH I have not seen any trace of you at all ever since that long-ago post where you were happy about being able to come on on the weekends. -EMBRAAAACE- ohmans. :'c you have a gorgeous memory and I remember that stone-dancing~! AHH BABY POLICESCAPES D:> Toocutetoocute /flail
Iiiii also remember having your MSN and getting a preview of your gorgeous art =A= my god you were good. I can't even imagine how much you've improved since then; I miss that.
@ SERENAI : -SMILESMILE- thank youuu /// <3
Verycrazygirl's picture

Don't be scared...

Don't be scared...

Her's picture


Verycrazygirl's picture

I love and hold a huge

I love and hold a huge respect for almost all the older members, and really miss seeing much of them. Sad
I look up to and admire almost all of them.
I fear they are afraid, and really wish it didn't have to be this way.
You guys are awesome, you all know know that right?
Please, don't be scared...

I joined in time to see this close bond slowly seem to fade away and todays community start to build, but it was so nice to see some of the closeness you guys had.
Sometimes I look back at the first posts on this site, just to see how beautiful and unique this community was.


fayne's picture

I remember Grass.

I remember Grass.
Ookani's picture

Unfortunately this was all

Unfortunately this was all before my time. I wish I had been there for the most of it; I mean, I was in game, and a little on the forums, but never deep into the community

. I remember the Run memorial and how aweful I felt after I had visited it thinking it was a random addition. It was only when I went on the forums to ask why it was there that I realized Run had passed. I felt terrible because I had been hopping around it like a loony. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for that.

I've been here for a year and 44 weeks, apparently. It's been a good 1 year and 44 weeks. Most of it I was on hiatus, and I remained on the periphery of the community the whole time.

But I remember /you/ Her. I remember the forums before the community site. I remember thinking the community site was going to be a flop, and how I avoided it for a long time - it was only when the rut was on that I actually joined in earnest the way you see me today.

I remember reading what you had to say and for the most part, I thought "This person is wise".

It's sad that some of us have moved on from the game, or disappeared or even passed on. But we're still a community, at heart. We're a little like a church. We have our spats, our differences, our upsets. But life goes on, and memories are happy things to look back on, and remember, and learn from.

Zelig's Note: It's good to be amongst you all. I thank the Gods every day for that privilege.

I remember... I remember when

I remember...
I remember when I wasn't obsessed with The Beatles.
I remember joining. a year and 32 weeks ago.
I remember my innocence.
I remember having two deer.
I remember Vipin and GoldenWinged.
I remember the massive Cal-Lorak-Silvery-Cirrus love square.
I remember no deer updates.
I remember looking up to the oldies. now I'm one.
I remember the forum.
I remember how small the community was. now it's grown out of love.
I remember having only about three distinct friends. I am blessed to have more now.
I remember iscribble parties.
I remember actually going into the forest.

it's good to be among everyone. I love you all. q__q even if I've never spoken to you before, I love you. I love Her and Raku and Dannii and Pega and Fled and Raz and Fayne and Avani and Marti and Scythe and Tera and Aegle and Kaoori and Lemon and Trinket and Xylv and Crimsongale Squeegie Nine Ravynn Witcher Quad Kai Shimmy Quamar Narina oh god <3 everyoneee. I love the community. thank you.
Fledermaus's picture

-squeezes- I LOVE THE




Kanaf's picture


fayne's picture


Her's picture



srslythough I heart you people ;///; Thanks for all the contributing comments <3
Kanaf's picture


Kanaf's picture

i think its bad that the two

i think its bad that the two seconds with Bear Grylls made me squeal inside.



fayne's picture






Her's picture


Fledermaus's picture

I seriously love you guys for

I seriously love you guys for that. ;D

Her's picture

I LOVE MY MAGMA. I love those

I LOVE MY MAGMA. I love those giant squids~
I love the whole world.
Fledermaus's picture


Serenai's picture

I do too. That was so cute.

I do too. That was so cute. ;A;
Icon Art © Beloved
Pegasicorn's picture

I love you guys. 8]

I love you guys. 8]
bubblywums's picture

I was seriously laughing

I was seriously laughing reading all those comments. My dad comes in and he's like, "What are you laughing at?" I'm like, "NOTHING!"

I love you guys too, Discovery Channel FTW!
Naryae's picture

I love how this thread has

I love how this thread has shifted from "I remember" to "I love" Smiling

Her's picture

Those two things are

Those two things are strikingly similar, however...~ <3
quadraptor's picture



Mhmm, the iscribble memories were some of my favorites. I wish we could get people to come again.

And Her, ILU XD
fayne's picture

Makeshifterrrr. 8c Also,

Makeshifterrrr. 8c

Also, mark that on December 9, 2009, at 6:49pm EST, I just realized what his username meant.

Density's picture

Arrrrr. I totally remember

Arrrrr. I totally remember that when I first joined I got so freaking lost because there was never really anyone in the forest hurhurhur.

Does anyone remember Monty? D:
Her's picture


@ FAYNE : YES I remember makeshifter all too well asdfh
@ DENSITY : Monty sounds familiar but I don't remember, no D8
Naryae's picture

Oh god, Makeshifter. I was

Oh god, Makeshifter. I was trying to remember his name last night. He also went by Curzen on iScribble.

Hmm... I remember when the Mardi Gras sets were brand new.
Her's picture

oh my god this blog you guys

oh my god this blog you guys ;_____________;
going through my old stuff and bumping this because it should be. <3